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Hey, folks.

For the last weeks I've been thinking a lot about the current Patreon 18+ policy situation. Yesterday I was relatively settled on just sending them my personal information and photos and getting it over with. But then I started having second thoughts (more like tenth thoughts, if I'm being frank)  about all the implications of doing so. Not only because of the risk of data leaking and identity theft, which can definitely happen, since not even governments can keep their stuff in check. That shit even happened in my country, also with patients data being sold by pharmacies. How am I supposed to trust Patreon/their third party app with my personal info if they can't even protect their site from piracy? (It's not even hard to pirate stuff from here. It's ridiculously easy, actually.)

Intimacy privacy concerns

And aside from all of that, there's the fact that I'm not only an adult content artist, I'm a fetish artist. This is a very sensitive topic and I'm sure you all can relate. We like the same stuff, after all. And if I had to guess, I'd say a good amount of you guys keep your kink as an absolute secret. That's my case, at least. I'm really not comfortable having my whole identity tied to such a personal and sensitive thing that is a fetish (an odd one at that, let's be real.) It's not only an awkard spot for me, but also a tricky one. You've probably heard of Paypal banning accounts based on political opinions. Who's to say Patreon or any other third parties they depend on won't eventually decide to just ban or blacklist fetish artists for whatever reason they come up with? I might come off as a bit of a paranoid, and maybe I am, but it seems like you can never be sure these days. Specially when they know everything about you and what kind of stuff you're into.

The possible solution

You're probably wondering, ok? What now? What does this mean for the future of this page? And I'm on the same boat. I'm still searching for less invasive alternatives, and I actually have one in mind that sounds pretty good. Not only for me, but for you guys too. So, here's the plan.

I could move all my activity from here to Gumroad. So Instead of posting stuff here from time to time like I normally do, then doing a Request Week at the end of the month, I could release all monthly content as image packs, the prices of each pack being the same as the Patreon tiers. For example, in the month of November I would release something like the "Amazing November Content Pack or whatever" for the same price as the Amazing Tier with the same content you'd get for that Patreon subscription. I'd release the "Sensational November Content Pack or whatever", which would cost the same as the Sensational Tier, with the same content. You get the idea. The only difference from Patreon is that you'd be able to choose when to get the stuff, instead of a subscription system, and you'd get it all at once, instead of receiving single posts periodically.  (I'm still not sure about the Request Week, though, but I just need some time to figure that out, it's not a big issue.)

Maybe I could even keep the Patreon, but as a SFW site for stuff like polls, discounts, announcements, and now that I think about it, the Request Week could still be hosted here, with the chosen suggestions being included in the monthly packs instead (With that sweet patron discount, of course, otherwise it would be kind of pointless to subscribe to this page). I'll probably have to lower the prices here too. Either that or assigning 100% discounts for each equivalent tier, so you don't have to pay twice. I'm not sure if that makes sense . Anyway, I still have a lot of figuring out to do, as you can see.

All things considered, this model sounds kind of sweet to me, I don't know about you guys. It's still a rough idea though, I just came up with it, so there's proabably drawbacks I'm not aware of yet, but I don't know. I won't make any of these changes without listening to you guys first, after all, this all wouldn't work out without you. So, tell me what you think down below. I wanna see a bunch of comments down there, this is important stuff, your opinion means a lot.



I’d say a good alternative would be SubscribeStar.adult if you were looking for something to stay NSFW. I’m currently subbed to an artist on there and they seem to operate pretty well on it.

Cael Maslin

Another way I saw someone go is making a subscription tier on Devianart and putting requested stuff on there but yeah, something like Subscribe star may work better.