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Yeah, guys. It's over. Gumroad is now banning all NSFW content thanks to companies like Paypal, Mastercard, etc. (See the images at the end of the post).

Gumroad was my main source of income with blueberry content and it was the best way for me to keep creating comics and content packs in a sustainable way. Now it's gone, and I won't be surprised if the same happens to Patreon.

Companies like Visa, Mastercard and Paypal are members of something called Council for Inclusive Capitalism. It sounds stupid, but it's actually a thing. (link at the end of the post).

It's a group of some of the richest corporations on the planet, partnered with the Vatican, who pledge to use their companies to push DEI measures (why am I not surprised...). They boast about diversity and making their platforms "safe" for all users. All that fake corporate bs everyone is tired of hearing. They're always righteous and inclusive until someone challenges their authority, (the recent controversy of a fellow Brazilian vs the Canadian company, Sweet Baby, Inc comes to mind.) It's not about creating good products or a free market. It's about pushing an agenda. Trillionaires enforcing their worldview by changing culture. 

This is straight from their site:

THE MORAL IMPERATIVE - "The work of the Council for Inclusive Capitalism and its members is grounded in the moral and market imperative to pursue profit in ways that lead to a more inclusive and sustainable economy. We were inspired to launch this organization by Pope Francis’ public appeal to business leaders to respond concretely to the issues of our day."

Honestly, every day I get more convinced we're going backwards. Anyway, I was working on the new content pack for Gumroad, but it just seems pointless now. I need to figure out what I'm gonna do. 

Thank you for all the support you've given me. I am extremely grateful. Stay safe.

Images available for download in case it's hard to read.






What a pointless decision that helps nobody. Hopefully, another Gumroad alternative will pop up soon.


Indeed. The real problem is escaping the monopoly of credit card processors. They shouldn't have a say on what legal and consenting adults do with their money. But unfortunately for us, we live in the Twilight Zone :/


I know, right! It's dystopian to think about.