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version - 0.1 - 8/9/23

Hello everyone!!! Its time for version 0.1. This is the biggie. Main 15, 16, and 17 have been added to the game. These scenes are filled with new art and music and of course, tons of drama, but don't go into them unprepared. Know this: They arn't horny, although one contains a lewd art. And more importantly: Once main 15 is started, no other scenes will be accessible to play until main 17 is finished. We're probably going to add a warning about this in game, but we havn't yet, so just be aware. They are dark scenes and playing them will bring the main story to its narrative completion. Things are revealed. Characters are tested. After main 17, everything else becomes playable again. A main 18 scene will be coming in a future update, but it will be a wind-down sort of thing without any real additions to the story. Main 14 has also been mostly re-written to be slightly less of a straight info dump. Thank you so much for your patience with this one. It was a ton of work and I think it's going to add to what makes Hardcoded unique among porn games. <3 <3 Enjoy the update!!

edit: there is an issue in main 17 during a part where you need to find a hiding spot. If youre in dialogue when the timer runs out, the scene becomes impossible to complete. We will fix this but as of now, just either make sure you exit dialogue before the timer runs out, or don't click on anything and let the time run out. Sorry!

New Scenes:

  • Main 15
  • Main 16
  • Main 17

Misc Changes:

  • Olivia and Forcier's appartment is no longer accessible before Main 2 is completed (no more going down on Olivia before you've even met her.)
  • Room Expansion Guy now has mouseover text and his portrait is displayed every time he talks.
  • Main 14 re-written


Patreon access for Hardcoded - Patreon Version

Do you support Fortunae Virgo Hardcoded on Patreon? Patrons can get access to this project by connecting with their Patreon account. A minimum pledge of $1.00 is required to get access to this game.



woo hoo! cant wait to play the new update when i get some time




This is huge! Congrats!


as a person who only a month ago actually stared pledging, THERE WAS ALREADY A MAIN 14???? i was over here thinking MAIN 6 was a bit out there of a number to reach (after coming from the demo), but 14? AND NOW 17??? holy christ y'all are on another level, im never running out of game at this point!!!


can't wait to play it all!


Unfortunately the visual glitch I mentioned in the last update has gotten worse. When I full screen the game on my 4K monitor, the black bars on the sides flicker between white and black or very light grey and a dark grey, the flicker is so fast the colors blend together to appear to flash between very light grey to dark grey very quickly'


Just a heads up, I can still get into Olivia and Forcier's apartment before Main 2