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Hey everyone! It's time to talk about our next game! I've been pouring over this project for months, and I have SO MUCH to say about it! So I've decided to split the information posts into themes This one will be about mechanics, but in the coming weeks/month you can expect posts detailing the games story, the characters, the world, and our development goals! Fair warning: This game is currently in a super early state! Everything you see and read is a work in progress and is likely to change. Anyway, here we go!

At the end of august, we showed off the first Image of our new game, the Succubabe's Bathhouse! We saw a 3D space that we're calling the Stage. During a run, the stage will be populated with cards and monsters for the player to buy and fuck, respectively. Here's a reminded of what that looks like.

This is the first of what will be a multi-stage gauntlet that leads from the Gates of the Succubabe's Temple, through her Bathhouse, and to her Throne Room. This first stage is called the Garden. Most of what the player will encounter here will be Nagas and Humanoid Plants, all eager to get their fuck on. Each monster or monster type will have its own set of mechanics. For example, Plant Monsters are weak when they're on their own, but passively bolster each other. Not dealing with them as they crop up can lead to an overwhelming infestation of lusty little shrubs! So, how does sex work in this game? Unlike in Hardcoded, sex is highly mechanical and will serve the same purpose that, in other games, combat typically does.

Draw a hand, then play cards to deal points of "Heat" to an enemy. If you max out their heat meter, they cum. You win the encounter. Collect whatever reward they offer and keep building your deck until the stage Boss appears. If you fail to make the monster cum with a single hand of cards, though, you'll be punished. The negative effect is based on the specific monster, but it could be anything from taking points of Heat, to shuffling negative cards into your deck, to drawing less cards next turn. Beat all the stage bosses, and you'll face the Succubabe herself.

Maxing out your own heat means getting kicked out of the temple, having to return to the Tavern to rethink your strategy, Rougelite style. During this in-between run period, you'll be sent to an area where you're able to switch your loadout and/or your character, as well as socialize with NPC's. This hub, The Tavern, is going to be a 'Hades' type multi-purpose area where, in addition to customization, story stuff will take place. Each of several unlockable character will have stories that can be experienced by talking to NPCs and to each other. Yes, it will be horny.

Now I know all of you saw that screenshot up there and wondered, 'Who is that hot-as-fuck, big-dick Orc girl on the left?' Lemme introduce our first character, Kat.

Yes, she's trans. Yes, she lifts. She has wants and needs but this is a post about Mechanics, so lets ignore all that for now. Kat is going to be our starting character. What she brings to the table is mostly just raw heat-dealing cards, but as you unlock more of her specific cards, you'll be able to build her as more of a high-speed, high-risk character. She'll get cards that deal extra heat at the cost of her taking some herself. She'll have cards that get buffed the higher her heat levels are. She'll be able to buff her enemies in exchange for increasing their defeat-rewards.

This post already got long and I haven't even talked about card types, combos & resources! Guess that means I'll be making another mechanics post soon!

<3 <3 <3




This is a great idea! Can't wait to get my heat on :)


oh heck yeah, this looks so darn good! also how did you know i was wondering about the hot orc girl?? psychics! DARO MAGIC I SAY


omg, I'm so excited about this game. I love this setting and concept, excited to see what y'all build :D


such incredible hype!!!!!!!! i already loved it and now i love it more and it sounds so cool!!!!!!! this is gonna be on my list of games i spend ungodly amounts of time trying to get good at lol and i am so excited for it!!!!!!


thanks so much for making these awesome, horny, wholesome games!!!!!


holy shit she lifts


This looks like a very interesting concept!


"Hades by way of Hardcoded". Fuck. YES.


oh hell yea!!

Morgan Ledford

Faen ja, I have been anticipating this update~


Is Hard Coded still going to be worked on, or is the focus now going to be this game?


Hardcoded is still being worked on. We are approaching release, and the updates are becoming more about polishing what we have than about adding new content. That said, we still have arcs like Quinns and of course, the Main Story, that are awaiting conclusion. We're working on them and hope to have them out soon! :D


Looking forward to this so much!