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Here's a preview of a little thing I'm adding. Several people requested more ways to earn coupons, so now you can destroy corporate surveillance drones for scrap metal :D The art for these guys isn't quite finished yet but they're are one of a few minor features that were requested that I'll have ready for the first build (in addition to more actual content of course) .




I don't think I could shoot it down if it had a bow. Maybe I could catch it and find it a nice home.


As that one random Marine from Halo once said, "let's catch one and ride it!" owo


omg for some reason i read this as 'if I had a bow' and i was like? Are you not a confident archer??


possibility of having a gallery? so we can re watch scenes?


I'm a surprisingly good archer considering how few times I've done it. Still, I could not shoot a cute droid.


Agreed. The plan is to catch the drones, put cute bows on them, and re-home them for profit.

Willow B

Yes, we put the bows on them and then bring them home for snuggles


you are all useless lesbians. sure catching and putting bows on the drones and keeping them as pets would be cute as fuck but dont you see that thats exactly what the cyberpunk corporate surveillance state wants us to do? they are going to use them to film our gay trans girl orgies to singlehandedly finance their private military branches! we cant let them cut us out of the byline!

Willow B

Get Decima to open them up and reprogram them so only we have access to the film and then we can sell it on the market at a reasonable cost to help support our medical bills.


A gallery would be cool. But this game is already way too cool. fantastic A E S T H E T I C - I want to help out with some writing but it's already pretty damn great.

Willow B

ooooo cute! I want to catch one and put a bow on it hehe