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So we're tryna get to 10,000 steam wishlist's so we can get in their New & Trending tab. It would be a huge deal for us to get that kinda recognition, so we're doing a content poll on twitter right now to raise interest. The poll is right here and you should all go vote in it! https://twitter.com/hardcodedgame/status/1767715229650350390 If you don't have twitter, i applaud you for escaping the internet's busiest shithole and invite you to drop your vote in the comments below.

I'm also gonna answer a couple questions that have been popping up:

Q1) How much will the game cost?

A1) Pretty sure it's gonna be 16.99 USD. We're going to be giving steam (or itch) keys to everyone who's lifetime support is at least 10.00 USD.

Q2) why is the game not available in Germany? 

A2) I have no idea. It seems steam is blocking All porn games in Germany. My workaround is tentatively to offer a choice between itch.io and steam keys to you guys when the game is released. Also, I'm going to be asking steam about this directly, but I've heard that Steam will still allow you to Activate the game on steam via a key! Just not buy it in the store! So you all, my patrons, will likley be the only people able to get the game on steam in Germany. More details on that soon!

Lemme know if you have any other questions!





Orlando Buttercream

They are all excellent options... but I think Overstim is maybe my favorite... Then smoking, then disassembly, then intox... all awesome and would love to see any, though. I'm in for the All of the Above option, as well.


smoking, overstim and intox!


Speaking as a german, from what I have read porn games are not listed on the store in germany because they show pornographic content on the steam page and offer no age verification. Steam would have to basically enforce this and they dont seem to be interested in that. The only steam games where I havent been able to activate a key for on steam are explicitly geolocked in germany (like the old wolfenstein games) by the company.


So a steam key should still work, since the problem is that steam isnt actually verifying the age here (yes that same problem is with any game on steam athat is a long debate with the german law). The steam group forUncut has some info on that in english too I think but that is mostly geared towards consumers not the sellers. Also it should be pretty easy to confirm right? Just activate a key on a german account.