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(Note: I want to once again make it clear that I am not ignoring the suggestion box. I read all the posts made in it, and make note of many of them for future projects. I have just been too busy lately to actually dive into it and take the suggestions. But once I catch up and have some free time, I intend to go back to the Suggestion Boxes, including past ones, and take a bunch of ideas to draw)

Here's the Monthly suggestion Box. Write your suggestion down in the comments below. However, if this is your first time doing it, please read this post in full in order to understand the rules of the Suggestion Box.

First, you can post multiple suggestions, however I will only pick a max of 1 per person, per month. So if you do post multiple, do so while making sure you would be equally happy for any of them to be chosen. Also keep in mind that, just because I don't draw your suggestion one month, doesn't mean I never will. Your comments are there for good, so there's nothing stopping me from going back to a suggestion you left months ago and drawing something from it.

Secondly, please understand that these are NOT commissions, they are suggestions. If you want to see an exact picture you want drawn, commissions are the way to do that. These suggestions are more-so a fun way to get more general ideas drawn. Such as certain pairings, or a specific scenario. But you won't have the same level of influence over exactly what I draw as you would with a commission, and I may choose to change certain details if I wish.

A good suggestion is to the point. A solid, good idea that gives inspiration for a drawing, while not going overboard on the details. You are allowed to post more detailed suggestions. It's not like you'll get in trouble for doing it or anything. But the more details are included, the more likely for things to be changed, or removed. So only include details which are key for your idea.

So now that you understand how it all works, feel free to post your suggestions below. If I don't get around to your suggestion, that doesn't mean it's bad, I just only have so much time in the month. Thank you very much for your support.



Vados giving Cabba "stamina training" (domming him) in the bedroom.


Killua & Gon 69ing at the gym!