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Hey Guys, 

I've been pretty dang busy over the last couple of weeks, and still will be continuing into early August. 

Having said that, I'm thinking of taking a small break then and regather up my energy for September and plan a few stuff as well!

I might still post a few art here and on Twitter, but I'll pause the billing for August and resume back in September!

September will be my 1 year anniversary of starting Patreon, and man, time flies fast! 

I'm thinking of gathering all the art I did over a year and put it up on gumroad and stuff. It's a bit early now, but I really wanna thank all of you that supported me and enjoyed my art! 

I'll post again probably not soon but as soon as my workload clears up! 😂



Have fun on your break~! You deserve it! 🥰


You've worked real hard over the year A break is well deserved take care c: