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Hello everyone, I hope you're well! I gathered the results from the monster popularity polls awhile back and was finally able to finish the drawing of the winners!

1st - Fenrir
In all honesty I'm surprised she got first place, I suppose I underestimated the draw of a wolf girl or perhaps her opponents were lacking in the polls, congrats to Fenrir!

2nd - Eve
I was expecting her to place high but not this high! I'm happy to see her scoring high given her controversial inclusion!

3rd - Umbra
I predicted Umbra or Willow would take first place funnily enough, she isn't too happy to be tied in third! I was considering having her complain about it but it looked better without her dialogue box, better luck next time Umbra!

3rd - Teena
Here's a shocker! Teena making her way all the way up to third place! I definitely have a soft spot for her animation and her initial encounter, I'm happy to see a lot of people seem to agree, enjoy your tied spot Teena!




The polls were pretty surprising to me, And I thought Umbra would have been at the top too, sad she wasn't but maybe next time : ) . Would another monster popularity poll be something in the future For all the girls or just new content? Great stuff!


I'll definitely be having another poll with all of the girls, likely when v1.0 comes out since the game will be concluding it's development!

Foxy Noctail

Look at her go, im glad i helped come up with Fenrir... and im happy that the community loves her too


Thanks again for helping create her! She'll definitely be showing up again in a future update, perhaps not as an enemy~