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 Update v0.71 is HERE! (New Wolf Girl Exclusive to Gallery as Free Unlock!)

Comment any bugs/glitches you find and I'll be sure to patch them!

Author Notes:

  • MISSING SAVE DATA? (RESTORE NEW FILE IN GENERAL SETTINGS) You will have to redo the dream tower side mission.

  • Press run while standing still to change masks

  • Alt + Enter to fullscreen

  • A + D keys to struggle

  • Down key skips dialogue text (doesn't work in all cutscenes)

  • Delete key clears all save data on title screen

  • ESC key to pause


i love gyros

oh my goodness gracious! *downloads immediately*

david spychaj

really good update enjoyed it a lot one thing though i had stuff skip on me like certain conversations did not come up at all it just skipped to the next part for instance when you talk to willow about if we should abandon the succubus or not after saying no i don't get the dialog or anything talking to umbera you walk out of the cave and then she appears. also one other thing just as a heads up the glider bugged on me three times trying to get it to fly its vary hard and if you get it to work it sends you flying across the screen then you cant see yourself or the glider and bugs out to where you have to exit the game reload then try again it took 38 try's for me to get thru it at times it just would not go at all even though your doing it as instructed.

david spychaj

heads up for anyone reading my comment it has spoilers if you have not gotten past the cave portion of the game.

Hiko Storm

Hi sorry but the ship is not working i go straight in the air dont know why


I'm trying to recreate the bug atm can you describe how it works? Are you wearing a specific mask or doing anything special?

Hiko Storm

Don't know how the bug work honestly basically i go straight when i take the ship if i use left

Hiko Storm

Straight up* and after that i can only control the caméra


Ahhh thank you I think I've found the issue! Thank you so much for the bug report, I'll have this patched out tomorrow!


So sorry that you had trouble with the glider I'm just now seeing it can be a bit janky. As for the umbra skip in the cave I patched that out, are there any other areas you've found dialogue is missing? Thank you so much for writing this there's always a few bugs that sneak past me!

david spychaj

no problem i had two other areas that it happened it was when i enter the forest when i first met umbra and the other one is where eather umbera or willow would show up at the fountains

david spychaj

also to fix the problem with the sailing boat the easiest way to fix it would to put two borders one at the end of the area and one for the ceiling so if anyone goes beyond that point they don't get stuck because what happens is the acceleration would cause the player to go up to far and fast it would cause them to fly off map and would cause the bug to happen that can be prevented with the two borders they don't have to be visible on screen but it would be preventing it from going to high or from going to far.

david spychaj

for example for willow she would not apear the text would it would be one line then afterwords it would just cut to as if you already talked

david spychaj

sorry for the arange of messages they are suposse to be the two small sections then the big section

Hello, I couldn't play this game on my Google pixel7a, what should I do?

No Name

I'm playing mobile, and I do not see how to restore a save file.


Hey hey! That was used for the save update since all old files were wiped I removed that feature since all save files can be transferred from v0.6 to v0.7!


the goddamn fountain puzzle

Kale the Dragon

the guide feature is genius, new anims are bangers as usual, i dont know how you manage to maintain such consistent quality!


Thank you so much! There were a few bugs that slipped past me this time around, but I'm so glad everyone seems to be enjoying it! Hopefully v0.8 is just as good, if not better! :]


how do you get through the mirror in the mines??


I dont know what to do with the fountains in the yellow area


I tried the guide now. The guide says the code but when I enter it, nothing happens