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Reward Poll: Riley, Bobby, and Cassie

  • Riley- Filmmaker- The Director's Chair: The player will be given a place to stand where they will not show up On-Screen during a scene. 35
  • Riley- Filmmaker- The Dailies: The player will be able to view much of the uncut footage from the day before on the red wallpaper. 65
  • Riley- Fanatic- Watch Party: May share red wallpaper information with physically close allies. (The rare non-aspect option) 34
  • Riley- Filmmaker- Cut!: Allows the player to take the action Off-Screen from Deathwatch. Your performers might get a bit testy. (Baby steps) 52
  • Riley- Filmmaker- It's, uh, Magical Realism: Can invoke the supernatural to fix a scene from Deathwatch. Difficult. Hail Mary 28
  • Riley- Detective- He has a Tell: Anyone the player questions for information will have a subtle tell that indicates stress about a subject 46
  • Bobby- Extra- The Good Seats: Will learn of scenes being shot that need extras. Great insights to be had. 68
  • Bobby- Underdog- Finally Speaks Up: Buffs plans made in the Finale 22
  • Bobby- Extra- Just Lie Still: When your unnamed character receives an injury that could look lethal, playing dead = Written Off 8
  • Bobby- Recast- Act Like You Belong: Allows the player to modify their backstory in context to get them jobs, friendships, Access etc 75
  • Bobby- Extra- Not in the Budget: May recover from death to play another NPC if feasible. 65
  • Bobby- Adventurer- Animal Whisperer: Helps the user build report with animals On-Screen. (he does not need this for his dogs) 17
  • Cassie- Seer- Flashback Conduit: May trigger flashbacks to events an ally perceived to help direct the narrative. 13
  • Cassie- Seer- I'm Blocked: Allows the user to scout Supernatural elements in a storyline. 69
  • Cassie- Exorcist- A Half-Hearted Cleansing: The user can attempt to exorcise a spirit to cause them to reveal more about themselves 11
  • Cassie- Occultist- Curios and Trinkets: The user can collect enchanted or haunted objects to obtain hidden passive benefits. 76
  • Cassie- Exorcist- Clarity of Purpose: Allows the user to use Moxie instead of Grit when attempting to do something that causes constant pain 44
  • 2024-06-14
  • 728 votes
{'title': 'Reward Poll: Riley, Bobby, and Cassie', 'choices': [{'text': "Riley- Filmmaker- The Director's Chair: The player will be given a place to stand where they will not show up On-Screen during a scene.", 'votes': 35}, {'text': 'Riley- Filmmaker- The Dailies: The player will be able to view much of the uncut footage from the day before on the red wallpaper.', 'votes': 65}, {'text': 'Riley- Fanatic- Watch Party: May share red wallpaper information with physically close allies. (The rare non-aspect option)', 'votes': 34}, {'text': 'Riley- Filmmaker- Cut!: Allows the player to take the action Off-Screen from Deathwatch. Your performers might get a bit testy. (Baby steps)', 'votes': 52}, {'text': "Riley- Filmmaker- It's, uh, Magical Realism: Can invoke the supernatural to fix a scene from Deathwatch. Difficult. Hail Mary", 'votes': 28}, {'text': ' Riley- Detective- He has a Tell: Anyone the player questions for information will have a subtle tell that indicates stress about a subject', 'votes': 46}, {'text': ' Bobby- Extra- The Good Seats: Will learn of scenes being shot that need extras. Great insights to be had.', 'votes': 68}, {'text': 'Bobby- Underdog- Finally Speaks Up: Buffs plans made in the Finale', 'votes': 22}, {'text': 'Bobby- Extra- Just Lie Still: When your unnamed character receives an injury that could look lethal, playing dead = Written Off', 'votes': 8}, {'text': ' Bobby- Recast- Act Like You Belong: Allows the player to modify their backstory in context to get them jobs, friendships, Access etc', 'votes': 75}, {'text': ' Bobby- Extra- Not in the Budget: May recover from death to play another NPC if feasible.', 'votes': 65}, {'text': 'Bobby- Adventurer- Animal Whisperer: Helps the user build report with animals On-Screen. (he does not need this for his dogs)', 'votes': 17}, {'text': ' Cassie- Seer- Flashback Conduit: May trigger flashbacks to events an ally perceived to help direct the narrative.', 'votes': 13}, {'text': " Cassie- Seer- I'm Blocked: Allows the user to scout Supernatural elements in a storyline.", 'votes': 69}, {'text': ' Cassie- Exorcist- A Half-Hearted Cleansing: The user can attempt to exorcise a spirit to cause them to reveal more about themselves', 'votes': 11}, {'text': 'Cassie- Occultist- Curios and Trinkets: The user can collect enchanted or haunted objects to obtain hidden passive benefits.', 'votes': 76}, {'text': 'Cassie- Exorcist- Clarity of Purpose: Allows the user to use Moxie instead of Grit when attempting to do something that causes constant pain', 'votes': 44}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 6, 14, 19, 32, 48, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 728}


Just like the previous poll. Read it to learn the guidelines

If you think I posted this before without the multichoice option... I did.


Warren (Stephen) Rose

Let's see. I voted for one trope for Ramona, three tropes for Bobby, two tropes for everyone else. I think that was because Bobby had some of the best tropes available for his character and performance, and Ramona already received tropes this event.


Honestly Bobbie’s version of “convenient backstory” seems generally more useful and powerful.