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I will be getting the rewards chapter out soonish. I am investigating the possibility of having you all vote on specific rewards, but that is not set in stone. If you have ideas of tropes or other rewards certain characters should have, feel free to let me know in the comments.

On a story note, I am going to rewrite the reveal chapter to try to make it more natural instead of a big speech. I know it may not seem that way, but this tutorial gave the players some useful information that they will appreciate in time. I treated it as a real (if meta) tutorial. I know that "it was all a lie" has some problems for stories, but I intend to build a solid foundation for you all to latch onto in the coming books. More than that, I wouldn't waste your time by giving you information that isn't important for the future.

The next book is filled with humor, exploration, leveling and heroics. I intend to spend time with characters in a way I haven't previously. I also hope to show some of the best horror and mystery storylines I have made yet. Stay tuned.



I will echo the sentiment for some more post-death tropes. For Riley, maybe something like "Watchparty", which allows other dead players to join him in Deathwatch (and talk with each other there). Our resident Cynic could also get the "Ghost-Clarity"-Effect they had this time as a permanent post-death trope (though I can't think of a good name). Lastly, a possible Wallflower trope of the Recast Type: "Not in the Budget" - Allows a Wallflower to play someone else after death, so long as he hasn't become a major enough character

Josh Pfleeger

I love “not in the budget” trope! I think that’s honestly got so much interesting application

The Dangerous Dino

can’t wait to have quite a few characters back, especially Anna Reed and Camden Tran. Also I have a few questions: Has it been clarified who ‘Them’ or ‘Friends in High Places’ or ‘CW’ are? Is Riley’s ‘My grandmother had the gift…’ going to get some of the additional backstory tropes? Arc 1 Ch 89 Ant talked to Chris about Zoe, was there anything found?

Lost Rambler

"Them" - Unknown. "FIHP" - Insider but still not known. "CW" is Curtis, a Doctor and previous Atlas Holder. Check the rewards vote. There is an option for another trope for RIley's Background trope. They still don't know everything about Zoe, but they know the gist. She was invited to save her sister, realized she had failed, took the easy way out.