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I will post all of the remaining chapters for book four at once. I need to get them all done and look at them together, which will take a few days. Sorry for the wait and the irregular schedule.

The Tutorial was a bit different from the rest of the series. I wanted to try and see what it would be like if the players were at the mercy of a pre-planned adventure where they had to intuit the way to the true ending. I think it was a little rough getting there. I know I will be shaving off some things and shaping up others in the edit, but it was a nice challenge. The edited version will be pretty cool.

I have been looking forward to the next phase the most. The world will open up in the best ways.

You are my Patrons, and your opinions are important. Please comment with the things you like best about the story and want to see more of. Also, tell me your thoughts on switching to larger chapters (we're talking ~ 5500 words) twice a week. I do get tired of the little chapters even if that is what RR is optimized for.

I'll get back to writing. Let's see if these upstart players can actually beat this game, shall we?



Longer chapters sound great. Exited to see some rescues happen


Longer chapters twice a week is waaaaaay better in my opinion. I hope you go forward with this.

Josh Pfleeger

Longer chapters on a consistent schedule would be ideal, I respect what you are doing but it would be very in line with how I prefer to consume content and I’m very here for it. That being said I’m down for a binge for the rest of the book , it feels like Avalanche time for for me.


the lenght is fine, just keep up the good work


I'll be happy with longer chapters again :) but will also be happy with shorter. My main concern is just not wanting you to burn out. I've been really looking forward to things you've teased on discord! Things like team building, base building, exploration. Taking the reins back and no longer being led around! I love the shopping chapters. I really want rescues (I miss Anna and Camden, but also keen to see the other rotating cast of characters that join the party) . I'm looking forward to the temporary side characters that join so we can see other archetypes in the party. I wanna see a replay of a previous story now that they are stronger, even if it's not terribly long. More lore drops! You've been doing a great job with spreading them out, not too many too quickly.


I tend to prefer longer chapters, but otherwise, I'm mostly just here to see where you take the story. It's been good so far.


I absolutely think you should go to larger chapters. 1-2 chapters a week really helps as the reader follow the story as it gets more complicated. Pure action/mysterious stories can get a lot of life from short chapters but when I (as a reader) want to develop a greater understanding and make theories, short piecemeal chapters become a drag. Honestly, I had been thinking of a way to suggest longer, less frequent chapters but didn't want to come across as an entitled jerk. All of the Patreons I support are update once or twice a week.

Toffi coffe

I prefer longer chapters. Thought I would not want story's pace to change because of chapter rate changing


Honestly, while I'm interested in the main mystery of Carousel, what I enjoy the most is seeing the players in interesting storylines. Overcoming slim odds, coming up with clever solutions to problems. And seeing the growth of characters, like Kimberly. In the beginning, the group was babying her a lot, but now she has become super reliable. I can't wait to see the same transformation for Issac and Cassie.


Long chapters are king. Set the scene, make a point, get to some kind of conclusion or development, and set up for the next one. If I have to wait a little longer in order to read something with some actual meat on it, that's totally fine. Story is great. I think the only suggestion I could make is having a scene or two where they talk game strategy and try out new ways of using/combining their tropes. The veterans were always doing that, but they also had the freedom to rerun stories and plenty of free time. Could just time skip/skim your way through a few stories to show they're getting more practical game experience and growing after the tutorial. A training montage if you will!


Longer chapters would definitely motivate me to read the chapters as they come out more. I'm excited to see rescues get started. The XP boost from them will help the cast make quick and meaningful leveling progress while introducing so many elements into the story.


I look forward to the different story types that open post tutorial, like rescue missions.

Ben Passos

As much as I really enjoy this story, honestly moving to longer + more consistent chapters is the only thing that will keep me subscribed.


I want to see more of Riley getting into funny director shenanigans, and for them to go on the rescue operation for their friends. I'm also fine with either length of chapters tbh, I just like having something to read when I settle down for the nights

Ian Ayers

Personally, I don’t have much of a preference for shorter or longer chapters so long as you aren’t burning yourself out and are able to say all the things you want. Super excited to see the rescues start and how those will go as we start to expand the character roster again! Great stuff so far, keep it up!


I would love to see them using strategic planning in the storylines like the veterans did with grotesque. I am also excited about them setting up a new base now that camp dyer is no longer safe.


I like seeing the players develop and take initiative to use their perks. Kimberly has been very active to use hers in beneficial and unprompted ways that feels more organic to the story line, which I like. Same for Bobby. Looking forwards to seeing Issac and Cassie become active and engaged players rather than having the storylines "happen" to them, even if it's completely understandable. I would love to see their drive to fight back so to speak, especially for their brothers sake, instead of always be terrified and confused (even if its completely understandable). And I'd love to see more of leader/director Riley and funny shenanigans, bonding with the team and learning more about him. there's been lots of vague hints about his past and why he's distant with people (likely intentional), but I'd really like to learn more about him as an individual. It would help me feel more engaged with his story. strongly favor longer chapters as able, both for reader preference and if it's easier on you.


What I love most about TGAC (and Horror LitRPGs in general) is how bursting with creativity the different settings are! A man wanting to ressurrect his dead wife through soul magic? Thats basic stuff! A whole family haunted by a ghost and kept in a research facility, where they slowly waste away? A dictor that injects people with baby-frogs to produce ambrosia and sews peoples faces onto the grown things? A cabal of elderly mages living in hedonistic pleasure by puppetteering younger bodies, while their original bodies grow older without ever actually dying? Thats the sauce that fuels my fantasy and excitement! I love it whenever one of these amazing ideas come up, especially when it's not clear initially what the deal is and the whole gravitas of the situation is slowly unraveled. Usually the only thing that detracts from that experience is the constant reference to how "fake" everything feels. I think that has been something that's become more prevalent in the Tutorial, with all the lampshading that "Carousel just WANTS this to happen", "Carousel is just playing with us", "Carousel has some fun on our cost", etc, but I could do with the less heavy handed approach that we had in the beginning, where it was still clear Carousel was influencing things and the intermittent mentions of strange drinks/places/candies/locations, but it wasn't framed quite so antagonistic and railroady. Just my two cents, been really enjoying your story!!


This book series is amazing and if you ask what I live about the The Game at Carousel is, how refreshing the ideas and creativity behind the concept of the story. Horror movies made into LitRPG elements, with metaknowledge and tropes added in the mix. On top of all that, you take some ideas and make crazy and mindblowing storylines, where I can't help but be impressed by the amount of plotting and work into these. They are so fun and your foreshadowing are always amazing and when I had more free time, I would reread some stuff to catch things I never caught before. It made rereading more fun than just fact-checking some stuff. How you write characters is excellent too. They don't speak the same, maybe some are same-ish but they don't overlap and I get confused which character is who. It should be easy to do, but you will be surprised how often people write one-dimensional characters for webnovels. I really like the small stuff to show little quirks the characters have. Recently, Riley had been shown as a rather cold Player, but he does carry empathy and can be sympathetic at times. But for the sake of the game, he can be pretty ruthless in some ways. Bobby, with his own dependency on others, shows too. Issac with his small jokes to soothe his own discomfort. He looks like he is playful on the outside but scared and timid on the inside. And much, much more. The world building is big. Like I can't believe there will be five arcs for this. Unless those arcs are freakishly long in the later arcs. Pretty fucking floored by it. And you are doing 5500 words is a lot of work. If you are willing to churn out chapters with that word count, I will not say 'no'. I have been patient with tons of stories, and not to mention my infrequent visits for reading. I will just catch up like I did now. And I will like to see the true ending this tutorial will have. Makes you wonder how they are going to deal with Gary after the tutorial, or how is he going to get in their way. I could be reading too much of him while he was drunk with power but he is quite nasty fellow.


By far my favorite bit is exploring and exploiting the rules of the setting. Carousel never breaks it’s own rules (although sometimes the rules are not what the players think, as with Camp Dyer), and having the players work out the rules, work around them, find new ways that Carousel will try and kill them and then exploit that to become even more successful, that’s awesome. The story to me is almost rouge-lite in nature. There’s a meta-progression aspect with the tickets and tropes, but in a very real sense the players go into a random storyline and need to make it out through their understanding of the game. The biggest way our characters grow is by becoming more knowledgeable about the rules of the world. I also love the lore, the mystery of how things became the way they are, but I’m confident we’ll find that out in time.

Trent Cannon

Personally my favorite part in the previous books, like number one fav, was the scene of them visiting the bowling alley, with any of the times they had to travel through Carousel being a close second along with the scene where Riley was pulled up in the tower with the NPC lady. Seeing how people adapt and survive in a world where death is around every corner and seeing glimpses of all these other storylines is always amazing, and getting a glimpse behind the curtain with the NPC’s just makes me want to yell with excitement. It makes the world feel bigger, more real, where you see how people have had to adapt and learn how to make it through these things, and the npc scenes make you realize that they’re just as trapped here as Riley and co are. For this last book, my favorite part had to be learning the Final Girl’s past in real life, followed closely by the Strander Blake fight and Riley getting to know Carlyle. I also really love the storylines, it makes me wish this was a tv show with like a thousand episodes so that it could cover even more short storylines that aren’t necessarily for advancing the plot, so much as advancing the characters. Or just because a story sounds cool, I’d accept that as well XD. Honestly I know things are gonna be a bit different in the future, what with no vets meaning no more scenes like the bowling alley, but still, everything you’ve shown and written so far means I have full faith in where it goes from here.


I really liked the dynamics of Camp Dyer, the community there and the storyline Riley went on together with the vets. So I'm looking forward to the rescue missions, of course for Anna and Camden but also some of the older players, have a larger cast of characters again. Should also be fun to see how the vets interact with the former newbies who now have a whole lot of experience. Could be some tension there for leadership (although hopefully it's not all acrimonious).

The Dangerous Dino

Can’t wait to see more of the Mercer’s poltergeist in future chs. Also finding out why Carousel let the sisters script loose