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The vote for Dina's Aspect is live on Discord https://discord.com/channels/1094353914054328360/1117499810426126497

If you are interested in the outcome, go check it out.

This vote is for everyone, but the next vote is Patreon exclusive.

🧳: Newcomer: This aspect highlights the Outsider's status as a newcomer in unfamiliar situations or environments. Characters might be city dwellers adjusting to small towns or foreign exchange students navigating new cultures. Their high Moxie and Grit make their journey of adaptation compelling, emphasizing their desire to fit in and their resilience. They make excellent fish-out-of-water characters and can act as main characters more easily than most Minor Archetype Aspects.

Example Aspect Tropes:

  • Word Spreads Fast: Actions and words spoken to NPCs will be spread around to the curious background characters. With this trope, you can trust that everyone will gossip. Ask questions? Helpful witnesses may present themselves. Want to find the bad guy? They’ll find you first.

  • I’ll Be Your Guide: When equipped, an NPC will attach themselves to you and help you find your way around and find the people you need to talk to. They may not know what you need to know, but they will probably know where to start.

  • Not a Part of This: The player will not be targeted by enemies seeking revenge or with similar motives regardless of trope or Plot Armor. You are new, after all. You couldn’t have upset anyone yet. Works on antagonistic NPCs too.

🔓: Criminal: This aspect focuses on the Outsider's ability to operate outside the rules of ordinary society, using their cunning and prowess to commit crimes and evade capture. This is perhaps one of the most versatile aspects, as they can become cat burglars, thugs, or con artists. Their high Hustle reflects their stealth and quick reflexes.

Example Aspect Tropes:

  • Class Disparity: Criminals are treated differently based on how they dress. Dress nice, and you will be treated nice. Dress down, and you might get the cops called on you.

  • I Learned It in Prison: Buffs Hustle when performing skilled illegal acts if you state it was learned in prison, even those skills allowed by other tropes. Loses effectiveness with repeated use.

  • Fall According to Plan: Buffs relevant stats to help pickpocket someone during a physical fight if they allow the target to throw them to the ground and win the altercation.

👤: Stranger: This aspect emphasizes the Outsider's mysterious and elusive nature. Characters might be wandering drifters or secretive operatives, with high Savvy and Hustle reflecting their cunning and agility. They remain enigmatic figures, keeping their true intentions hidden and adding intrigue to the story. This is a heavily meta aspect that can use narrative tropes for movement and insight.

Example Aspect Tropes:

  • I Don’t Talk About That: Helps endear the user to NPCs by acting touchy about a tragic backstory. Buffs Grit if that story is revealed later after the friendship develops.

  • Nearly Dead When I Found You: Can revive an ally from near death, or fully revive them at higher levels if they are found alone and treated after the altercation that caused their injuries has ended. The target will become unconscious and need saving. This event must be explained on-screen when the target awakens. The Stranger must have previously appeared to the audience for this ability to be used. More effective the more scenes pass after the rescue and before the reveal that they are okay.

  • I’ve Been Watching You: With excellent narrative setup, the user can buff allies’ stats by giving them advice based on their failures thus far in the story. Carousel is very strict about this one.

PS: Only got one chapter today. Next Chapter Soon.



Stranger looks really useful


Remind me, what do we actually know about Dina? All I remember is that she's a mother that lost her child. That's it.

Lost Rambler

She's a Taurus. She puts wasabi on everything she eats. Her favorite color is mauve but she doesn't wear it. She didn't learn to swim until she was an adult. ... ... I admit she hasn't had much screen time, but she is a part of the team, so she gets a vote.