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Set 16 is complete! 2018 has been quite a year. I finally graduated and began doing art fulltime. It's like a dream come true! This wouldn't have been possible without you guys. I sincerely thank you for everything you did. My resolution for 2019 is to bring out even more content each month and further improving in quality. Additionally I still have to figure out the best way to incorporate tutorials since we already reached the goal for that. The post for the voting of the next characters will be online shortly as always. I wish you all a wonderful start into the new year. Happy New Year!

Rewards will be sent out at the 6th-10th of January via Patreon message!   




This is a gorgeous set, Zumi. Happy new year! :D


Congratulations on graduating. Happy new Year to you!


Such an amazing set! Looking forward to it! Happy New Year, Zumi! 💖


Congratulations and happy new year