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So I have been reviewing what I did in 2017 and also what I need to do in 2018. And my conclusion is I could neither effectively study nor fully focus on art. Many of you might know that I study mechanical engineering and I'm doing art along side. I thought I could do both but I was never really good at doing two things at the same time and this is no exception. If I look at how it is going now I will not make the deadline of my master thesis.

Unfortunately I have to tell you that I will go on hiatus for a few months. 

I'm very deeply thankful for all the support. In the last two years I drew art just for you and I love you guys. But I really need to graduate now. I hope you can understand. (omg this sounds like a break up, I will be back afterwards :'D)

Hopefully then I can create a lot more artworks frequently since I don't have to worry about university anymore. Of course you won’t be charged anything since I will not make any posts during the time I'm away.




I would like to pay you for a comic private commission. Can you please list your email so i can read price per pen and ink digital color renders? Two characters in a wrestling ring setting. I can send reference material.


So you took a break from Patreon or not ? I see you still release packs despite of this announcement, so I 'm confused :s.


Hope you career goes well 😉😊

Didi & Nok' Tus

Good luck! School is more important. Hope to see you back here, soon.


Well I wish you all the best and I really hope to see you back in the future ❤️


School is more important, looking forward to seeing your art when you return!


Good luck! I'll be making sure to archive the work you have completed so far :) I look forward to seeing you back.


We eagerly await your return! :) all the best.


You will always have my support :3


As a fellow engineering student, I can emphasize with an insane workload. Do whatever you need, Juti - we'll be waiting when you're ready to come back.

Eddie Murphy

You gotta do what you gotta do! I'll be here eagerly awaiting your return :-)


Well, see you soon then. Hopefully MSc Zumi soon :P.


Why are you breaking up with us... we can chaannngeee xDDDD


Good luck with school, we will see you soon.

Chris Luong

Go do what you need to do. We understand that life isn't always a straight road. We'll be waiting to hear the good news when you come back.