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Since Tier 3 seems to be very underpresented I decided to add another reward to it. Tier 3 and upwards from now on (starting with pack 5) will receive one additional NSFW only drawing without a SFW version. Could be yuri, could be hetero or just some extravagant poses or actions:D

This month it will be the 9S and 2B as you can see in the WIP XD




Nines is one lucky SOB... :D


When can we expect the next pack? Also who are you going to draw?


I can probably finish pack 5 this month^^ not sure about who to draw next, I will most likely pick more characters from the suggestions post I opened earlier.


Looks really promising, but (here comes mister canon again) shouldn't 9S look a bit younger ? I'm not into shota myself so I'd understand if you'd rather not go down this route, but it might feel a bit weird to have him look like he's in his twenties or something, lol. Or maybe that could the interesting part about this piece - picturing what a full grown 9S would look like ? :)


I tried to keep him quite young but still with a little bit older body than in the game:3 he isn't as tall as 2b once you see the finished drawingXD