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Waifu Warz! Idea Poll [January 2024, Chifusa Manyuu]

  • Boob-Balloon Cannon 7
  • Unrelentingly-Heavy Victory Streak 46
  • The Funny Option 13
  • 2024-01-27
  • 66 votes
{'title': 'Waifu Warz! Idea Poll [January 2024, Chifusa Manyuu]', 'choices': [{'text': 'Boob-Balloon Cannon', 'votes': 7}, {'text': 'Unrelentingly-Heavy Victory Streak', 'votes': 46}, {'text': 'The Funny Option', 'votes': 13}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 1, 27, 19, 7, 5, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 66}


Y'know, judging by the fact that the top 2 are both BE-centric scenarios... seems like you guys REALLY want big balloon boobs.

The only unfortunate thing is that I'm gonna have to learn to spell stuff like "Chifusa Manyuu" and "Manyuu Hikenchou" consistently 😨 This is too much for one baka gaijin to handle... 

or maybe I'll just shamelessly copypaste the names instead of typing them. idk :^)


「 BOOB-BALLOON CANNON 」: As advertised on the poll, the one-line pitch for this is basically "Chifusa learns a new technique, proceeds to use it in battle, Boob Hijinks ensue". 

A plot point in the series is that your boobs growing too big can cause back pain, balance issues, and other inconveniences... maybe this could start with her already having enormous tits (i.e. roughly this size), and sacrificing some of her 'proportions' to use a powerful technique mid-battle. 

Undecided who her opponent would be in this, but the end result would be said opponent swelling up to such a size that she's pinned down by her own tits.

CHARACTERS: Chifusa, Kaede (supporting), Unknown Opponent (50% sure this just ends up being Kagefusa lol)


Unrelentingly-Heavy Victory Streak: This one would be inspired by an old criticalvolume pic (2013!) where the idea of "if you defeat someone in battle your boobs grow bigger" is taken to it's logical extreme. 

Rather than Chifusa's opponent getting swollen to barely-mobile size, it's Chifusa herself. This occurs over a short montage of her hacking-and-slashing her way through several enemy encounters in rapid-fire fashion, before slowing down and focusing on her new size (for comparison to the other scenario: think like, something around here). 

Emphasis is put on her being dangerously full and likely unable to hold much more... which is less-than-ideal when one last enemy attempts to ambush her (again, not quite sure who this would be).

CHARACTERS: Chifusa, Kaede (supporting), Unknown Opponent (Ouka maybe?)


The Funny Option: Given the fact that Manyuu Hikenchou is literally a breast expansion hentai (ecchi technically but y'know), and the fact that it doesn't have an English dub to my knowledge... I could take a few scenes from the source material and dub them into English myself. I did something similar with another anime back in 2019, to give you an idea... but this'd be a little less scuffed being in 2024, lol. Probably would pull at least 3(?) of the expansion scenes, one of which definitely being that one.


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