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Waifu Warz! Idea Poll [March 2024, Momo Yaoyorozu]

  • Blue Bass 24
  • Sugar Reflux 34
  • Bubblegum Blowing 25
  • 2024-03-23
  • 83 votes
{'title': 'Waifu Warz! Idea Poll [March 2024, Momo Yaoyorozu]', 'choices': [{'text': 'Blue Bass', 'votes': 24}, {'text': 'Sugar Reflux', 'votes': 34}, {'text': 'Bubblegum Blowing', 'votes': 25}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 3, 23, 6, 35, 29, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 83}


I'm obligated to post this whenever a MHA character wins a poll of any kind:

Truth be told, I have something in mind for her that I'm pretty dead-set on already... at the moment, I'm currently working on a second Mirko audio where she investigates the aftermath of the first Mirko story and falls victim to berry-inducing residue-goo.

Unfortunately, it ends of a bit of a cliffhanger. After getting juice-exploded again, Mirko ends up just kinda shaking her fist and going "oooh I'll get that Candy Lix (character I made up for this story) if it's the last thing I do!". My current idea (spoilers?) is for Momo's audio to serve as a 'finale' of sorts, where she steps up to finally put a stop to this by slurping Candy's gooey form into her own belly-fat-quirk-thing.

Some finer details will be ironed out when I write it (e.g. deciding whether I depict Rumi as this or not, making sure Momo reads as "voluptuous 20something" instead of "highschooler"), but overall I'm 99% sure this is what I'm going with when it comes to the main story.

That said: here's a few ideas to mull over in regards to what the ~extra~ will be. The main crux of these is what becomes of Candy Lix once Momo absorbs her. These tend to be 3 minutes tops, so I'll keep these descriptionsshort:


Blue Bass

After sucking Candy into her body, Momo heads to Jiro. Probably something along the lines of "hey this candy-slime-creature is stuck in my body. Your whole thing is sending vibrations through things, mind shaking her out?". Obviously Momo wouldn't say it like that, but you get the idea. Jiro blasts a bunch of vibrations into Momo's belly, rapid jiggling and jostling ensues. Mostly an excuse for me to include a lot of deep-toned sloshing and churning. :V

Characters: Momo, Candy, Jiro


Sugar Reflux

My current plan for the opening scene is to have Momo smack around some test-dummies in a gym (using her Quirk that allows her to make objects from fat). So, this would mirror that... just with Momo now being bigger, bluer, juicier. Probably throw in a joke or 2 about how her weapons have a violet tinge to them. Maybe a short conflict where Candy tries to free herself by swelling Momo up.

Characters: Momo, Candy


Bubblegum Blowing

This would take the form of an alternate ending (similar to Turgid In Tartarus where I added an extra puffkissing scene). Here, rather than sucking Candy into her body, Momo would instead subdue Candy by capital-C Creating-as-in-the-Quirk,-again an air tank (or something more creative) and managing to nail her with the business end of it. Air enters Candy, Candy inflates. Quick, simple.

Characters: Momo, Candy, Rumi


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