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Thanks to everyone anticipated for the Test Build.

For Subscribed Members, I've uploaded the alpha Build of the game.

The alpha Build contains:

- 3 Completed Maps

- 4 Monsters

- 13 Random Boosts

* The Link to this Test Build will be provided to anyone no longer a member as long as formerly subscribed. But there will be a month of time limit. (I was supposed to give this to the members after creating this account but I couldn't make it in time, so this a reparation to the ex-members who didn't receive it despite being subscribed.)

* The Alpha version will be updated when each map is complete.

* Download

* PASSWORD :  #nd3523FhG#

Feedback is always welcome!

With your love and support, I'll do my best.




It took me a couple tries, but i was able to beat the 3 stages! (still need to get the harpy though) The pixel art is really good and fun to look at. I my favorite is actually the portal opening because it's a neat affect on top of good animation XD All the monster girls have unique movement types which not only fit them as an entity, but also the map you find them on. the harpy can fly and therefore bypass the holes in the ground. The spectre, while walking, can bypass those same holes by disappearing and reappearing. The swamp stalker is fast, but only ever in the water and the nightmare only moves when the player isn't looking at it. So not only is the map different, but how you consider the opponents is also different! Because of this, the stages have different difficulties. From easiest to hardest i'd say dark forest -> swamp of death -> Path of belief. I like all the scenes with the monster girls and when you complete the stage you get the featured girl in the "gallery". I also like that you still have control of the camera during it too. There's no new angle, because it's all 2D, but it's a chance to slow down and view the intricacies of the stage when you're not looking at the scene. I feel like the duration of the black screen when you're captured is a little long though. By the time you can see what's happening, it's already the climax. I don't mind that there IS a black screen for a scene transition, it's just a little long. You can also loop the scenes as many times as you want so it's not that big of a deal, but it feels like i missed out on the first time. I didn't find much use for the combat because any opponent i'd strike would respawn right away. Granted, they would have to travel across the map to me to pose a threat again, but instead of stopping to fight, i could instead keep running and collect rings to complete the stage. So i find it's more important to keep moving. Fighting can still be useful if you're about to be captured, but it's very situational because you'd need your sword to be charged while in that situation. You also only have 1 life. If you get touched, you're captured and it's game over, so the safest thing to do is to keep moving. One thing you could do is incentivize the combat by granting bonuses, like say "beat 6 enemies and get an extra life" or "get double ring collection for 30 seconds" Perhaps there could even be a role reversal scene with enough K.O.s! I'd also like to be able to view what my powerups do in something like the pause menu. I'm too focused on staying alive to read what they do when i collect them. I'd also like to be able to choose which stage to play, especially if the goal is to collect the girls. There could be a lot of reloading involved if you completed 2/3 stages and you're trying to finish the one you didn't complete, but you keep getting sent to the wrong stage. Overall i enjoyed playing it. It was neat exploring the stages, listening to the music, and viewing the scenes. I thought it was too difficult at first until i found my method. I hope i don't sound to nit picky in my review and I look forward to further builds in the game = w=)b


First of all, it was great. Even though it was a coin collecting game, the tension of being chased by enemies seemed to encourage people to enjoy the game. The H scene was also of good quality, and it was even better because it was an endless loop. The first and second stages each had a good atmosphere and chase feel, but after the third stage, I thought of elements to provide feedback. As soon as I entered the third stage, my first thought was ‘Can I jump?’ But I couldn't jump. I thought, ‘How do I cross the road?’, but there was a platform that was hard to see. I thought it was added to increase difficulty, but personally, I think it was an obstacle for an unreasonable reason. However, if there were bridges and the bridge dropped like in the second stage, I would have been able to become more immersed. Unlike the second stage, if it collapses and you cannot cross it for a certain period of time, you may have to think a little more, and you may end up having to go around in circles to get one coin. In that case, you can evaluate it by saying, ‘This is why the third stage was difficult.’ I think it's okay to keep the sword only if you collect all the coins. This is because the sword appearing at the desired timing seems to make the game too easy. Of course, it seemed necessary to some extent in the third stage, but I don't think it will be necessary if the map changes as per the feedback. And there's a bug where if you die on the third stage, you go back to the second stage! I think games should have a reason for their difficulty. I give my opinion in the hope that a good game will become an even better game. Thanks for the good development!


Thanks for the feedback! By the way, That's not a bug I guess. The portal will teleport you to random stage.


what?! It wasn't in order...! But that might be fun. However, there is a possibility that a disaster will occur in the future where you will not be able to go to the stage you have not been to...! “I definitely want a harpy!” I can picture myself despairing of not being able to fill the gallery later. If that happens, I might curse the developer LOL

Рустам Гумеров

Game was awesome, fast, interesting, and very good animated scenes. Plus-no problem launch on steam deck)


I wanted to offer myself to voice the main character, but I see you already have a VA haha, no problem anyway, I'm looking forward to the full game, love your work! ♥️♥️ (If you need additional voices or moans don't hesitate to ask me! I have a professional mic and a lot of experience ^^ and I wouldn't charge you, I would just like to work with you!)


When do you think the next beta will be available for testing?