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Hello, this is RedSpike. And I finally announce the version 0.2. I apologize for the long wait and also grateful for your patience. The updating of Test Build ver 0.2 took a huge amount of time as i thoughtfully read your important feedback and to improve and add more features to the game. Now focusing on adding new Monsters and Levels, however, i have high hopes that next 0.3 update will be done shortly.

Download: Nakara Alpha ver 0.2

Password : CIKznzwpiXtUva4

New Content in ver 0.2

  • New Level 'Dungeon' added

  • New Monsters Direwolf and Arachne added

  • 3 Random Buff and Buff Status Screen added

  • Ring Grab and Ring Bullet added

  • Life(Hearts) System added

Please check out the Patch Note for more details below

<Patch Note 0.2>

  • Alpha version will be updated as soon as each new map is complete.

  • No Japanese version yet, but there will be a related post uploaded later.

Feedback is always welcome!

Always will do my best for your love and support.




idk why its not working for me, can you please give me some insight of why is this happening to me?


Sorry for the inconvenience, I forgot to upload the password. 😪 I updated the post plz check again.


no worries thank you for fixing it(I love your work btw)


Sadly I can't seem to be able to download it, says it doesn't exist or something Might be with the permissions of who can view it


do I have to play the dungeon lvl multiple times to unlock both in the gallery only got the spider?


Awesome! I will let you know of any feedback I have as a comment to this comment.


I completed everything so far and here is my feedback. Firstly, before I give feedback, this is something critically important I must tell you. Patreon has become very strict as of late, and a lot of R18 creators have been removed from the platform without warning. I please please please want to advise you to create a secondary account on another website such as Subscribestar as a back up, as I do not want you to suffer. I really do not want that. Now with regards to the game. Most of the levels were fun and interesting. There were no major bugs or breaks except for one that I will describe soon. The new instructions and User Interface is very good and helpfull. All the monsters are cute and fun to battle, except for one. I found that while on the Path of faith with the Spector, she tends to form a group of them, which can lead to her completely blocking some paths, causing me to fall a lot and need to run around for very long to lead the harem of Spectors away to collect the remaining rings. The only major bug is that, when altering the game tab, or using a second monitor, the game tends to freeze everything, but with a bit of tab cycling it is fixed. So, it seems the game becomes unstable when you move into another file while it is running. Other than that, I had a lot of fun and fully completed it as far as I could. You can be proud, and I am happy to see how well you are doing.


I completed everything so far and here is my feedback. Firstly, before I give feedback, this is something critically important I must tell you. Patreon has become very strict as of late, and a lot of R18 creators have been removed from the platform without warning. I please please please want to advise you to create a secondary account on another website such as Subscribestar as a back up, as I do not want you to suffer. I really do not want that. Now with regards to the game. Most of the levels were fun and interesting. There were no major bugs or breaks except for one that I will describe soon. The new instructions and User Interface is very good and helpfull. All the monsters are cute and fun to battle, except for one. I found that while on the Path of faith with the Spector, she tends to form a group of them, which can lead to her completely blocking some paths, causing me to fall a lot and need to run around for very long to lead the harem of Spectors away to collect the remaining rings. The only major bug is that, when altering the game tab, or using a second monitor, the game tends to freeze everything, but with a bit of tab cycling it is fixed. So, it seems the game becomes unstable when you move into another file while it is running. Other than that, I had a lot of fun and fully completed it as far as I could. You can be proud, and I am happy to see how well you are doing.


ここまですべてを完了しました。ここに私のフィードバックがあります。 まず、フィードバックをする前に、これは非常に重要なことなのでお伝えしなければなりません。 Patreon は最近非常に厳しくなり、多くの R18 クリエイターが警告なしにプラットフォームから削除されました。 あなたに苦しみを与えたくないので、バックアップとして Subscribestar などの別の Web サイトに予備のアカウントを作成することをアドバイスしてください。 本当にそんなことは望んでいません。 さて、ゲームについて。 ほとんどのレベルは楽しくて興味深いものでした。 すぐに説明する 1 つを除いて、大きなバグや破損はありませんでした。 新しい手順とユーザー インターフェイスは非常に優れており、役に立ちます。 1匹を除いて、すべてのモンスターはかわいいし、戦うのが楽しいです。 スペクターと信仰の道を進んでいる間、彼女は彼らのグループを形成する傾向があることがわかりました。それにより、彼女がいくつかの道を完全にブロックし、私が何度も転んで、ハーレムを導くために非常に長い間走り回る必要がある可能性があります 残りのリングを回収するためにスペクターを遠ざけます。 唯一の大きなバグは、ゲーム タブを変更するとき、または 2 番目のモニターを使用するときに、ゲームがすべてフリーズする傾向があることですが、タブを少し切り替えると修正されます。 そのため、ゲームの実行中に別のファイルに移動すると、ゲームが不安定になるようです。 それ以外はとても楽しくて、可能な限り完全に完了しました。 あなたは誇りに思うことができますし、私はあなたがどれほどうまくやっているかを見てうれしいです。


ここまですべてを完了しました。ここに私のフィードバックがあります。 まず、フィードバックをする前に、これは非常に重要なことなのでお伝えしなければなりません。 Patreon は最近非常に厳しくなり、多くの R18 クリエイターが警告なしにプラットフォームから削除されました。 あなたに苦しみを与えたくないので、バックアップとして Subscribestar などの別の Web サイトに予備のアカウントを作成することをアドバイスしてください。 本当にそんなことは望んでいません。 さて、ゲームについて。 ほとんどのレベルは楽しくて興味深いものでした。 すぐに説明する 1 つを除いて、大きなバグや破損はありませんでした。 新しい手順とユーザー インターフェイスは非常に優れており、役に立ちます。 1匹を除いて、すべてのモンスターはかわいいし、戦うのが楽しいです。 スペクターと信仰の道を進んでいる間、彼女は彼らのグループを形成する傾向があることがわかりました。それにより、彼女がいくつかの道を完全にブロックし、私が何度も転んで、ハーレムを導くために非常に長い間走り回る必要がある可能性があります 残りのリングを回収するためにスペクターを遠ざけます。 唯一の大きなバグは、ゲーム タブを変更するとき、または 2 番目のモニターを使用するときに、ゲームがすべてフリーズする傾向があることですが、タブを少し切り替えると修正されます。 そのため、ゲームの実行中に別のファイルに移動すると、ゲームが不安定になるようです。 それ以外はとても楽しくて、可能な限り完全に完了しました。 あなたは誇りに思うことができますし、私はあなたがどれほどうまくやっているかを見てうれしいです。


Yeah, sadly. ;_; But I will add more scenes for each Monster girl and you will unlock the scene with the specified conditions. (encountered several times, defeated multiple times, etc...)


Don't apologize for the wait, being a game dev takes time, pacience, specially if its a one man team or a small one. You've been doing great, don't let anyone tell you otherwise.


Hi! I really like your game and wondered if you accept feedback? - The new lose screen is nice. It feels more like an attack compared to the last version. - I like the ability to collect rings from a distance. It varies in usefulness from level to level and is an overall nice feature. - The buff tab is very helpful and very appreciated, I did not know the buffs stacked from level to level, nor what they all did in the last version. - The ring showing enemy location is also a nice addition as it otherwise can be very easy to get lost and confused when things get hectic towards the end of a level. - The animations are top notch in both pixel design and sound effects. - I like that the enemies all work differently: the harpies charging, svamp dweller confined to water, arachne shooting webs and so forth. Some things I think might could be worked on: - I did not know I was supposed to click when the game started, I thought it was loading in the beginning, but found out you have to click to get the main menu. - It would be helpful if you could choose the area you want to go into, or if it prioritized area with monster girls you don't have yet, as sometimes you might be trying to collect the monster you still don't have, but have to return to the base several times and go back in to get the right area and monster. - The main manu options can be clicked on with the mouse, but hovering over something like "New game" or "Configuration" does not make a sound , nor does it move the little pointer at the end showing what you are choosing, so one might not be aware that it is possible to use the mouse to navigate the menu. - The main menu cannot be navigated with the WASD keys, but can be navigated with the arrow keys, this feels a bit off since you move in game with the WASD keys. Also one last thing, the game crashed a single time for me when playing the dungeon level. I did not screen capture the error but it seems to have been something with the arachne enemy. It worked fine the second time so I do not know exactly what happened. Overall I would say the game is pretty good. I really like the theme and design you have going and I very much look forward to the things you add in the future.


When acessing the gallery I noticed 2 bugs, F1 has a chance of making the screen go black for a bit, and the X-Ray mode doesn't update back to clean after the climax, and remains that way even after toggling the x-ray on and off or changing the scene

bab b

Hey, thank you for your hard work, the game is really fun! There's a couple things I'd like to ask: - Do you intend to add a SFW option, or a SFW version? I think the game stands on it's own without the h*ntai content, and I'd like to share it with people who aren't interested in H-games. - Is there any plans to talk to the girls? It's fine if not but I think it'd be neat if after capturing one, you could talk to them for more information about the world, or that character, or maybe even special challenges.


i've enjoyed the new additions to the game! being able to stop and read what the buffs do is very nice and gives a good sense of power progression when you carry them over to the next levels. I also opened and closed that scroll for a good minute because the animation was so satisfying to look at. The ring draw/bullet ability has saved me twice in the dungeon map. If i were more of a speedrunner, it'd also help with the ring gathering efficiency, alas i'm not that good yet XD It is a nice tool for when your sword isn't ready. It won't save you if you're surrounded, but it will if you're pinned in a corner. you did great work on the prisoner cell scenes, there's just not a proper way to see them unless you put yourself in danger by stopping in the dungeon or get captured in front of it. I'm hoping we can see them in the gallery in the future! Like when we unlock both monster girls it'll unlock there scenes as well. Or perhaps make it so we could break open the cell with our sword and that's how we get the scene. The HP system has also saved me. I've no longer gotten captured in a single hit! The HP also replenishes when you defeat monster girls which incentivizes the player to dispatch their opponents when able and rewards good gameplay. The HP pool also carries over to the next level. That said, i'll be waiting for a buff that replenishes HP over time XD What is also interesting is that it also changes your relationship with the stages. The forest has a lot of static enemies making striking them easy, great for farming HP. The harpy stage and swamp however may have you dodging more often than fighting for HP. I also observed a bug in the gallery where the X-ray stayed full after the first orgasm and stayed that way after every girl you visited. being able to pick the stage for the purpose of completing the gallery would be nice. I think i see what you're going for by having the stages be random, so how about only being able to select a stage that you've beaten. Or have two modes, an adventure mode and stage select. adventure mode will select stages at random, but with each next stage you play, your HP and buffs carry over (basically the current build). Then stage select mode for a one time playthrough of a stage and if you win you get the monster girl scene as a reward, but it doesn't save your buffs or HP. I look forward to your next developments!


That would actually be pretty cool if you could talk to them. What would they have to say? I wonder if any of them are nice.


Thank you for the feedback! I'm considering adding the Stage Select option to Victor.


That's an interesting view. It reminds me of the SFW Option from Eroico, I didn't expect someone to want the SFW option. I'll consider this. 😉 I yet have no plan to add conversational feature to Monster girls." "Instead, there will be a NPC gallery. But that's a story for the far future.😅


I should consider the Subscribestar for backup thank you for recommending it! And that Freezing issue looks like the Game Engine's problem. but I will find a way to fix that as I can.


Thank you for the feedback! I found the game crash issue from Arachne's code. I will fix this in the next update.

Ronald Lewis

bruh. super top tier. my only thought is a difficulty to make it harder. Perhaps speeding up the enemy attack animation to increase the hardness!!!!!!!! You have a gem brewing here!!


it would be premature to judge the game, however ill say it, with a very elated emotion, I had fun the game at this stage of development. the sex scenes of the cell mates are lovely, the game over's are phenomenal, however i wish after completing a mission you could see the jail scene. any difficulty in the game can be toppled, however the buffs are intresting, although I wish there was health perks. some monsters made you fear the enviorment, although i wish we could choose a buff to keep, or some upgrade choices were implemented to adhere to difficulty. the stalker/ invisible girl was phenomenal. the map design of falling was awesome. the monsters if easy, the map made up for in its tricky awareness you had to correspond to. although the demo put me off every reset for i have not been able to put the spider girl in the cell, or lamia either. i know its just fun to play regardless to get that prize. sometimes i hope there were more monsters that changed up the gameplay, one big monster like a orc girl, so tall and wide you cant get past them in a hallway. or a ghost woman that pops a bright floor trap you dont wanna step on. I wait eagerly for are magic hero with his golden cock rings to be captured by a monster girl. but I digress. Its development is going in a great direction. Id lust to see a technological enemy, a female not in the maze but her contraptions in the maze, sending them out. once on the protagonist, just milking his strength and mana away.