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Aurafe is a mesmerizing cat girl with a truly electrifying presence. In terms of her attire, Aurafe prefers simplicity, often donning robes and accessories that complement her natural luminescence. Her jewelry is minimalist, typically featuring stones that mimic the colors of her electric fur.

When she moves, it's with the grace of a cat and the fluidity of a lightning bolt. She radiates a calm and electrifying energy, always ready for adventure or a playful chase.

Aurafe's voice is melodic, with each word carrying a soothing resonance akin to the sound of a gentle thunderstorm. She can purr with the sound of distant rolling thunder or unleash a playful lightning bolt of laughter that electrifies those fortunate enough to be in her presence.

Aurafe, the enigmatic lightning cat, is a truly unique and captivating entity, her aura as vibrant and dazzling as the most dazzling of electrical storms. She dances on the edge of the supernatural, embodying the untamed beauty of both feline grace and electric force.


Cat Girl ~Aurafe~
Cat Girl ~Aurafe~ ~Alternative Version~


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