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Eryndor, the fallen elf, is an ethereal figure whose form is a dance of contrasts, a mesmerizing blend of dark and light. His skin, as smooth and pale as moonlight, starkly contrasts with the flowing magma-like patterns that traverse his body. These sinuous rivulets of fiery red, gold, and obsidian give the impression of molten lava coursing beneath his skin.

His flowing obsidian hair shimmers with a dark, mesmerizing luster, cascading like a waterfall of shadows down his back. His penetrating amethyst eyes, like twin portals to the abyss, seem to hold secrets from aeons past.

Eryndor's lithe and graceful frame seems almost too delicate for the power he wields. His presence, a beguiling mix of allure and menace, is enigmatic, an enchanter and a harbinger of the deepest mysteries of the eldritch realms.


Fallen Elf ~Eryndor~


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