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In the vast expanse of the demon realm, there exists a queen like no other—Stellavira, the Cosmic Sovereign. She is a celestial anomaly, a ruler whose dominion extends far beyond the boundaries of the mortal imagination.

Stellavira's presence is a dazzling spectacle, as if she were born from the very fabric of the cosmos. Her skin shimmers with the ethereal radiance of distant stars, casting a soft, celestial glow that paints her in hues of midnight blues and deep purples. Her form is lithe and graceful, adorned with constellations that seem to shift and dance as she moves.

Her hair, an endless cascade of cosmic strands, flows like a river of stardust. Each strand is a tapestry of galaxies, swirling with colors that defy earthly description. It trails behind her, leaving trails of stardust in her wake, as if the universe itself were her crowning glory.

Stellavira's eyes are the windows to the cosmos, twin orbs that hold the secrets of distant galaxies. They shimmer with the knowledge of a thousand worlds, their depths an endless abyss of cosmic wonder. When she gazes upon her subjects, it's as if she's peering into their very souls.

Adorning her regal form is an otherworldly gown, a masterpiece woven from the fabric of the universe itself. It flows like liquid starlight, with patterns that mimic the dance of planets and the ebb and flow of galaxies. Her attire shifts and shimmers, reflecting the cosmic symphony that plays in the background of existence.


Demon Queen ~Stellavira~


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