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In the realm of dragons, where scales reflect the myriad hues of a boundless sky, Cobaltis emerges as a beacon of awe-inspiring beauty and formidable might. Her form is a mesmerizing fusion of celestial elegance and draconic grandeur. Scales of purest cobalt cascade across her lithe body, shimmering with an otherworldly brilliance that mirrors the depths of an endless abyss.

Her eyes are the stuff of legends—piercing sapphires set within her regal visage. They hold the wisdom of ancient skies and the power of thunderstorms, each gaze a captivating glimpse into the tempestuous soul of a dragon born of the heavens. They gleam with an inner fire that hints at the boundless power she wields as a dragon girl.

Cobaltis's wings unfurl like the vast expanse of the open sky, their azure membranes bathed in the radiance of a thousand stars. With each beat, they create a symphony of celestial harmony that echoes through the cosmos, a testament to her dominion over the skies.

As a dragon of the highest order, Cobaltis commands the very elements themselves. Her breath is a tempest, her roar a thunderous crescendo. She possesses a voice that resonates with authority, a voice that can shake the foundations of the earth and rouse the heavens.


Dragon Girl ~Cobaltis~


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