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In the realm of demons, where opulence reigns supreme, Aurumara stands as a figure of unparalleled grandeur and regal splendor. Her form is a breathtaking amalgamation of celestial grace and earthly majesty. Her golden skin, kissed by the sun's warm embrace, exudes an eternal, resplendent glow that illuminates her surroundings.

The centerpiece of her captivating visage is her eyes—a deep, molten gold that sparkles like the richest of treasures. These eyes hold the wisdom of ages and the allure of boundless wealth. They gleam with an inner fire that hints at the incalculable power she wields as a demon queen.

Aurumara's attire is a tapestry of pure extravagance. She is bedecked in resplendent robes adorned with intricate patterns of gilded filigree and studded with precious gems that catch the light like constellations in the night sky. Her flowing, golden locks cascade down her back like liquid gold, a testament to her unparalleled opulence.

As a queen among demons, Aurumara commands not only the riches of the underworld but also the loyalty of her subjects. She possesses a voice that resonates with authority, a voice that can sway even the most steadfast of hearts. Her power, like her wealth, knows no bounds.


Demon Queen ~Aurumara~


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