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Caelica reigns as the ethereal cat goddess, her presence a mesmerizing dance between the heavens and the earth. With fur as dark as the midnight sky and eyes that sparkle like stars, she embodies the essence of celestial charm and mystique. Her lithe form moves with a grace that mirrors the celestial bodies she calls home, as if she were a feline guardian of the skies.

Adorned with delicate markings that resemble constellations, Caelica's regal appearance evokes the beauty of the cosmos. Her every movement seems to be choreographed by the celestial forces themselves, and her steps leave a trail of stardust that shimmers in her wake. Her voice is a melodious harmony, a soothing cadence that resonates with the melodies of the universe.

As the Skybound Siren, Caelica holds dominion over the celestial realms, weaving her influence into the fabric of the cosmos. Her power lies in her connection to the stars and the ever-changing tapestry of the sky. She is both observer and participant in the dance of planets and galaxies, a true embodiment of the cosmic forces.


Cat Goddess ~Caelica~
Cat Goddess ~Caelica~ ~Alternative Version~


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