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Glissandra is a vision of ethereal beauty, with flowing silvery hair that seems to shimmer like moonlit frost and eyes that hold the icy brilliance of a winter's night sky. She embodies the essence of a Frostborne Luminary, a demon girl who commands the magic of snow and glow with an air of enchanting grace.

Adorned in a gown spun from delicate frost crystals and adorned with luminescent accents, Glissandra exudes an otherworldly allure. Her attire glimmers with an iridescent glow, reflecting the celestial radiance of a winter's moon. An icy crown rests atop her head, adorned with delicate snowflakes that sparkle like stars.

Glissandra moves with a celestial elegance, her every step leaving a trace of glistening frost upon the ground. Her voice carries a melodic quality, reminiscent of the gentle whispers of winter winds. She possesses an air of tranquility, yet beneath her calm exterior lies the power to freeze the fiercest of adversaries.


Demon Girl ~Glissandra~
Demon Girl ~Glissandra~ ~Alternative Eyes~


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