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Somnia is a captivating demoness who reigns over the realm of dreams with an ethereal grace. Her presence is like a whisper in the night, beckoning mortals into the realm of slumber.

Beneath her tranquil exterior lies an enigmatic nature, for Somnia holds secrets untold. She is a conduit between the waking world and the realm of dreams, a gatekeeper to the subconscious desires and fears of all beings. To encounter Somnia is to step into a realm where reality intertwines with imagination, where dreams hold sway over the waking world.

In the presence of Somnia, mortals are both captivated and haunted by the depths of their own minds. She is the embodiment of dreams and the conduit to their power, a demoness who holds the key to unlocking the realm of infinite possibilities and the untapped potential of the human psyche.


Demon Girl ~Somnia~


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