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The female demon representing the sin of sloth exudes an overwhelming lethargy and indolence. Draped in a shroud of languid energy, she moves with an almost imperceptible slowness. 

Her features are relaxed and unbothered, mirroring her lack of motivation and inertia. A cloud of listlessness surrounds her, making even the air feel heavy and stagnant. Time seems to stretch in her presence, as if everything is caught in an eternal pause. She rarely stirs from her languorous repose, finding comfort in idleness and inactivity. This demoness of sloth embodies a profound resistance to action, content to exist in a realm of perpetual rest and disinterest.


Demon Girl ~Somnisa~ "The Sin of Sloth"
Demon Girl ~Somnisa~ "The Sin of Sloth" ~Alternative Version~


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