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These two episodes were absolutely devastating for me to watch. I knew something was coming, but I wasn't expecting this! Enjoy :) 



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Stella Keil

It always gets me when Rachel finally asks Ross to leave, and how he switches up in the moment. Ross suddenly seems terrified and so genuinely shocked by the possibility of losing Rachel; it shows that he never even considered it before. This just reveals how much he took it for granted before that the two of them would get over this problem. Why couldn't he have seen what he'd done before? Why did he have to get so caught up in the little things? Why was it so important for him to cover up what had happened? No matter how much two people are made for each other, there are still things that can destroy that bond and love. Ross shouldn't have expected everything to be okay. I think that just made things worse for Rachel. To her it came across as if he didn't take what he did seriously.


Honestly, ”TO the Morning After” is my favourite of the entire show. Not because R&R broke up (although I did always think they were bad together and oftentimes quite toxic), but because I think it’s genious how they did it. Instead of having R&R fighting as the A-plot while the other four were off on their own B- or even C-plots, they kept all six friends in Monica’s apartment. Thanks to that the episode felt cohesive and it made the drama work so much better when we never left the apartment in the second half. They also did a wonderful job writing the R&R plotline in a way that you felt the drama and how painful it was, yet at the same time they didn’t forget the comedy (and the jokes didn’t take away from the seriousness). Cox, Kudrow, Perry, and LeBlanc gave great performances, but Aniston and Schwimmer were simply perfection. IMHO the quality of this episode is unmatched within the show.