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REALLY SORRY guys. I somehow managed to lose the full video footage of myself after editing so I couldn't upload the unedited reaction (ignore my note about the full reactions in the vid) . But here's the Youtube edit early! I have so many mixed feelings about this entry. I found myself cringing, celebrating, yelling and crying. It also had one of the best plot twists I have ever seen no joke! Enjoy :)


*WHOLESOME END?* TWILIGHT: BREAKING DAWN PART 2 | First Time Watching | (reaction/commentary/review)

I have so many mixed feelings about this entry. I found myself cringing, celebrating, yelling and crying. It also had one of the best plot twists I have ever seen no joke! Enjoy :)



Don't worry, you're only human! In the book there was NO fight scene, real or a vision. They literally just talked and then the Volturi left. So for people who had read the book or knew how it went it was a complete shock. Watching this in theatres was CRAZY. People screamed and cried. First when Carlisle was killed, then Jasper, Seth and Leah. And when it turned out to be Alice's vision it was such a WTF moment. But at least for me it was a good shock 'cuz I was so mad they killed them, especially Carlisle. I felt that ending with Jacob and Renesmee was kind of cheap. It's like the most obvious thing to make them a couple. But it was clearly stated that imprinting doesn't have to be romantic. It can be a friend/brother but above all a protector. Also, imprinting is NOT a choice, it's absolutely beyond your control. Maybe it's just my biased opinion but I do feel like Stephanie Meyer did Jacob dirty in the later books (because apparently she didn't like that people were rooting for him and Bella instead of Edward and Bella). Edward was less creepy and Bella was definitely better as a vampire but I never really cared for them, even by the end. Charlie was the best. I'm glad he got a happy ending and I understand they were protecting him but I feel they should have told him the truth. Fun fact: The eyes of the CGI baby were inspired by Kristen Stewart's eyes from photos of her as a baby and the team also created the teenage version using the same tech that is used to help find missing children.

Georgina Cussans

I've loved your reaction to these films! I was embarrassingly part of the crowd that went to see them in the cinema, dragging my poor dad along to see them when I was 12 and crazy about Edward💀 (It was actually the 15 year anniversary of Twilight 2 days ago!) It's always the best when reactors get to the fight scene😆 Idk if anyones told you about Chuckesmee yet but just in case they havent... They originally used a creepy looking animatronic doll as the baby/toddler version of renesmee (hence the name chucky/renesmee, chuckesmee) I recommend googling it, seriously words cant describe how creepy this doll is so overall i'm glad they ended up going the cgi route 🤣

John Hales

You hit 20k subs mate!! Well done!!!

Just Lily

Why not use a real baby? Do you know? There are cute babies out there. Even if the baby vaguely looks like Kristen it's already 100 times better than a cgi baby, and cheeper.

Georgina Cussans

Ikr haha im not sure but I think it has something to do with how they wanted to portray how inhuman she looked and the fast aging 🤷‍♀️


Thanks for the reactions. These movies have been my guilty pleasures. Sure they are not great but they have their charm despite the flaws and I absolutely loved them. I am glad you went in with a positive attitude and had such a good time. Was fun to go on this journey!

Midnight Crypt Worx (Nikki Davis)

I think people give Kristen Stewart a hard time because they didn't read the books. She played Bella exactly how she was described..which on screen can be weird if there's no context. The books were of course better in my opinion, everything wasn't as cheesy and the imprinting thing wasn't as creepy. lol.