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I think this would have to be my favourite depiction of "brotherhood" in a war film. Aside from the brutality of the war in this film, the relationships between the characters were just beautiful and so real and raw it had me crying. Enjoy :)



Enjoy watching along with me the full-length reaction!


Heather Geer

Thank you so much for reacting to this! 🙏 I’m right there with you…there’s something special about how they do the relationship dynamics in this movie that is so captivating to me. I can’t express enough how much I LOVE the performances here, especially Shia LaBeouf and Brad Pitt. I remember the first time I watched this and just thinking I had never seen an actor play a character with such a unique feel of conviction as Shia did with Boyd. It’s really something else. But honestly, the casting of each of the guys in this crew is perfection.