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I really feel like this instalment ramped things up before a huge climax in this franchise! Absolutely loved the relationship drama in this one and Harry and Dumbledore as a duo get a moment to shine. Can't wait for the next one! Enjoy :)


FULL REACTION - Harry Potter and The Half-Blood Prince

Enjoy watching along with me the full-length reaction!



Interesting enough, the actor who played the young Tom Riddle in the orphanage is actually Ralph Fiennes nephew. The director decided to cast him because of his resemblance to his uncle. I get what you were saying about Ron not “getting it” I wanted to shake him. I remember in the forth movie, he was jealous of Hermione going to the dance with that other guy, but he still didn’t get it… Ughh


Emma Watson was seriously considering not coming back. In the 20th Anniversary she explained that she often felt lonely on set and felt like an outsider like Hermione. She also had difficulty coping with the instant fame and attention from fans. Hero Fiennes Tiffin who plays Tom Riddle at age 11 is Ralph Fiennes' nephew. Dame Maggie Smith finished filming this movie while undergoing treatment for breast cancer. Talk about badass. Helen McCrory (Narcissa Malfoy) was originally cast as Bellatrix but had to drop out due to her pregnancy. She was subsequently cast as Bellatrix's sister and Draco's mother in this film. She died of breast cancer on April 16th 2021, aged 52. She was married to fellow actor Damian Lewis at the time of her death. Robert Knox, who played Marcus Belby (the kid from the Slug Club who ate a lot) was tragically stabbed to death when he intervened in a fight to protect his younger brother on May 24th 2008, just a few days after filming wrapped. His murderer was convicted and sentenced to life imprisonment with a minimum of 20 years before being considered for parole. Several of Dumbledore's memories of Tom Riddle were cut from the film, like the one where young Tom is shown two valuable trinkets from two of the Hogwarts founders, which would later become important to the plot. The book reveals Voldemort is the son of witch Merope Gaunt and muggle Tom Riddle. Merope fell in love with Tom and with the help of a love potion, she married him and became pregnant. J.K. Rowling has said it’s important that Voldemort was conceived as a result of force rather than real love, as it explains why he cannot feel love. Merope eventually stopped using the potion hoping Tom actually loved her, but he abandoned her and their unborn son. This explains Voldemort’s hatred of muggles, as well as half-bloods, as he himself is one. As an adult, Tom returns to Hogwarts to ask Dumbledore for a job as the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, but is denied. This may be why the position is cursed and why the same teacher cannot be for more than a year. Instead the film adds a (in my opinion) pointless and out-of-nowhere scene of the Weasleys' house getting burned to the ground. The filmmakers said they wanted to add more action but trying to solve any mystery involving wizardry is just as compelling as any action scene. In the film, after Snape reveals himself as the Half Blood Prince, there is no further explanation. But in the book it is explained that Snape was half-blood and his mother's maiden name was Prince, hence where he got the name. Hermione actually figures this out. In the book there is a long fight sequence between The Order of the Phoenix members and students vs. Death Eaters. Ron's oldest brother Bill Weasley's face becomes disfigured after he is bitten by Fenrir Greyback (who bit Lupin), but thankfully it isn't a full moon so Bill doesn't become a werewolf. He and Fleur Delacour (from Beauxbatons who competed in the Triwizard Tournament) are engaged at this point. Another difference from the book is the Harry and Ginny relationship, which is honestly very poorly executed in the films. There is also NO chemistry between the actors whatsoever. Ginny's had a crush on Harry since forever but Harry has never shown any interest in her. While in the books, Harry has a huge crush on Ginny, which culminates in a passionate, surprising kiss after that year's Quidditch final, in front of everyone. They are in relationship throughout much of the book, but Harry breaks up with her for her safety. Harry gave the twins the 1000 galleons he earned from winning the Triwizard Tournament and that's how they paid for their shop. Harry also inherited Grimmauld Place and Kreacher after Sirius' death. Dumbledore's funeral was cut from the film, as well as all scenes with the Dursleys.

Stella Keil

As much as I adore these movies and as much as I fear the possibility of destroying it, by trying to make it new, I cant help but be excited for the HBO remake of Harry Potter. I know the remake was only recently confirmed and its probably gonna be a long time till it finally comes out. They have really planned an incredible monster project. Pretty bold to tackle such a beloved series again. And, oh my god, the things they could do wrong. But! But the whole thing also has immeasurable potential. Oh my god, the things they could do right. I get so hyped up when I think about all the things that were left out or changed to much in the movies. All the things that could end up being in the remake. One thing for example is Ginny in general and Ginnys and Harrys relationship in particular. Ginny in the books is a CHARACTER. She is fierce, quickwitted and sarcastic as hell, a very powerful witch and her dynamic with her brothers and friends is amazing. Ginny in the movie is nice, but she isnt that girl. And Harry and Ginny are so much fun in the books. There is nothing awkward about them. I really do hope they get this right in the remake. Among many other things...


I remember reading the book, and getting to Dumbledore's death at the end. I literally threw the book across the room and spent the next few days in total disbelief that Dumbledore was dead. Then we had to wait forever and a day for the last book to be published.


Yeah her and Ron did get some character short changes from the books to the movie :/