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We're closing in on the end of the first season!! So much has happened in such a small amount of time and we've barely scratched the surface. I am well and truly invested. Enjoy :)



Watch "FRIENDS 1x21 & 1x22 PATREON" on Streamable.



Monica is my favorite character, i just love how she's the heart of the group, the ''mom'' too, without her no one would be able to stay this close to each other. Chandler is my second fav and yeah he is witty and funny and smart, but you can tell he is like the ''dad'' of them all, really caring and helpful to all. I love all the characters, together they sort of mash up and create this wonderful group of friends all of us wish to have :)


Catching up on these and watching Friends for the first time. Fun fact, when Joey, Ross, and Chandler are in the coffee house talking about Marcel (9 minutes in), I knew I recognised their body language (covering eyes, ears, and mouth). Turns out it's the 3 wise monkeys (see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil), hence the link to the subject matter. It's amazing how much small detail goes into the show!