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I was not ready!!!!! Absolutely gut wrenching intro that got me the sniffles for the entire film sorry! Incredible movie though and I loved the themes of obsession and loss throughout. Enjoy :)



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Yes, for sure watch Stranger Things, 10/10 show in my opinion.

James McCarthy

Stranger Things is awesome and gets better each season highly recommend, watch out for spoilers though. UP is very good glad you enjoyed (:

Michael Short

You really really really really should watch Stranger Things. :)

Clara Hines

Watching this for the millionth time, it occurred to me that maybe Russell is Ellie reincarnated. To bring back life to Mr. Frederickson. It's an interesting thought.

Jim Schmitz

Not surprising that the music reminded you of "Ratatouille", same composer. Oscar, you're so emotional (love it).