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WOAHHH!! Crazy stuff happens in these two episodes! Things are only going to get more complicated it seems coming up to the end of the season. I'm so pumped!! Enjoy :)



Watch "FRIENDS 4x19 & 4x20 PATREON" on Streamable.



As much as I love Ross and Rachel, he and Emily were so cute together. The proposal WAS romantic as hell! And it's pretty obvious Rachel still loves Ross. I don't even think she was really that interested in Joshua. She was more interested in the idea of him if that makes sense. And he never seemed to be that interested in her. It's funny because I don't really feel the chemistry between them yet the actors dated in real life. I guess that proves Joey's theory that if there is no heat on stage then they are together IRL haha As for the comedic acting, Jennifer Aniston is really underrated. But she took it to a whole other level in S4! Sidenote: I LOVED Rachel's and Phoebe's wedding dresses. Ironically, Emily's was my least favourite but still beautiful. Fun fact: The woman working at the sleep clinic, Thea Mann, is Lisa Kudrow's cousin.


I always thought series 4 was when the writing and acting really meshed. The finales were always great. The series 4 finale was one of my faves. From previous comments you made I think you are in for a treat. Cliffhanger and a curved ball from nowhere. Enjoy.