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SoM 0.52 is ready! I'm quite happy with the result, I kinda like the 2 new scenes et their illustrations.

Also I fixed Saki's art, that felt meh. She still not my favorite character but she looks but better now, I'm still not a huge fan of her outfit but she'll receive a new one either at the end of 0.53 or at the begining of 0.54 we'll see.

Changelog :

Content :

Added chapter 14 : leverage.

Some kind of defence mission, except that instead of surviving a set amount of turn you have to complete an objective. 

You can win by trying to complete it fast or try to repel the ennemies first.

2 new illustrated scenes

Changes :

Updated Saki's portrait and all illustrations, the art looks much better now, especialy on side view.

Fixes :

Fixed error in dialogue in chapter 13, I used funnier when I meant "more entertaining".

Known bug, Chloe won't convert unit if she is the one dealing the killing blow

Here's the link.

I hope you enjoy the update, we're getting closer to the end of the first campaign and I look forward to it.

I want to reach the point of the game where I start having several "route" to work on, and we're getting closer to it.

As usual I'll read and fix everything according to your feedback.

Love you all,





EDIT, Never mind realized what I had to do to finish chapter 14. You might want to add that to the objectives so you realize that is actually possible.


Sorry couldn't access patreon for a couple day because I wasn't home, barely got enough time to setup a working environment on my new laptop but couldn't connect to patreon. Glad you figured out what to do, I'll make it clearer in the next patch.