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Content :

Added possession ritual, allow you to posses your prisonner to change your identity/gender any time. Also unlocks new content.

Added a new sideKick, you can discover her if you capture Petipatelin.

Added a new skill. Still WIP

You can now capture Petipatelin even if its management will have to wait 0.7.

A succession scripted event starting after petipatelin's Capture

3 repeatable random event that can trigger after the post petitPatelin's capture succession of events.

Added an "idle mode" in the late game, some action will be done automatically if you trigger a special event. It is limited for now but I plan to improve it and offer you more ways to reach it.

Changes : 

-Improve the scrolling of the top section of the game when new text appears, it is smoother and also should start at the begining of added text even on lower resolution devices.

Tell me if it doesn't work properly.

-Changed ritual of repetition tooltip so it is clearer that it allows you to skip tutorial.

-Changed rituals button name.

Fixes :

-MaskedSlave are now named Masked Slave.

-Fixed a bug. When you were possessing the boy in the early game, you'd see a boy besides you, when you should see a girl that you didn't possess.

-A few typo/grammar fixes.

Writting the story for 0.6 took me a lot of time because I wanted to handle different player choices and change the story for the last loop depending on what experienced the Main character in the previous loop. Because of that I've got a couple illustrations/mechanics that I made but had no time to add to the game. I'll either use them to make a bigged 0.7 update or release a double update next time (SoM + a small RE:Curse update).

I think from now on, I'll allow myself a bit more freedom. I'll still release update the 15th/last day of each month, but I'll choose which game I update. Sometimes I'll do the same game twice in a row and sometime I'll do a small updates for each game. This will help me because I don't like working too long on the same aspect of the game (last month for instance, most of my work for both SoM and RE:Curse was writing story, and I need to change what I'm working on or I tend to loose productivity).

Overall I'll still try to balance the 2.

As usual here's the link.

Hope you enjoy,



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