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 Made a hotfix to fix a couple bug, this also changes the balance. Feel free to fell me if you think there is a part of the game that is longer than the rest.

Changelog :
Added a saves button, it only save permanent progress, you can't save your in-loop progression


Fixed army skill not properly increasing the speed of actions and adapted the game balance accordingly, now the game should be slower without army but faster once you get some slaves.

Fixes :

Fixed the illustration for slutSoulSelection, it was just a few pixels, but once I saw it, I couldn't unsee it and had to fix it.

Fixed a bug with some emoji not displayed properly in some browser.

Fixed an optimization problem, the game should run smoother on older computer now. There are still more I can do here so don't hesitate to tell me if the game is slow on your end.


Thank you a lot for your feedback,


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