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Huge changes in this version, the game progression should be much smoother now and lots of new content has been added.
Again I'm sorry for having 0.4's progression being so slow, it was mainly due to a bug that made me progress too fast during my balance test. Everything should be as instended now. Might still not be perfect, but that should fix itself when I introduce the last prestige mechanic in the game.

This patch focus mainly on adding gameplay content/update. The first conquest, some permanent upgrades and the ability to get bonus from your sidekicks.

Content :

-6 new illustrations.

-Ritual tab. This tab allows you to complete Ritual. Expensive upgrades with benefits that don't disappear between runs.

-Drain will ritual : The first ritual in the game, it will alow you to use the spell drain will without having to get the ugrade, allow you to enslave Selene earlier in the game which skip most of the tutorial.

-Repetition ritual : allow you to completely skip the tutorial (this one use puppetry on Selene)

-Magic ritual : allow you to spend some mana to increase your maximum mana for all future runs.

-You can now secure the forest, doing so remove the increase in notoriety when you hunt humans.

-Docile/slut soul selection, 2 new mutualy exclusives upgrades for masked slaves.

-New location : PetiPatelin

-2 new events with PetiPatelin

-SideKick tab (Still WIP):

-Here you can your interact with sidekicks (Only Selene for now). They will give you differents bonus depending on their status and how they see you. In next version you'll be able to train/influence them .

Selene had the status puppet and mindless. They now give different bonus depending of her stats which can't be trained for now.

New Status for Selene : Masked.

Changes :

-Reduced brightness during the first done capture scene.

-lots of UI changes.

Balances :

-Reduce Time to hunt new human creep cost.

-Increased time between enemy waves.

-Reduce the amount of enemy increase with each wave.

-Increase the mana cost of puppetry spell to 20

-Having Selene under pupettry spell or mindless will now increase your proficiency when doing tasks.

-reduce the amount of servants required to use drain will on Selene from 5/5/5 to 6/4/1

-other smaller changes to make progression go smoother.

Bugfix :

-Fixed a bug that would prevent the notoriety bar to progress twice as fast during during double speed.

-Fixed a bug on some OS of some images not appearing when they should.

-Fixed a bug that would prevent to change your gender at the start of the game

-Fixed a but that would allow the player to follow the puppetry path after putting a mask on Selene

-Fixed various UI bugs.

Here's the link for this version.
Feel free to let me know if there are some bug, or if you think the pace of the game isn't right.

I usual I hope you'll love it,




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