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Re:curse 0.91 is done!
For this update, I took the time to completely rework the balance of the game, I think it feels much better now, and several options that were too weak (capturing Petipatelin early, docile soul selection, mana buildings) makes more sense now.



New location : Moonshade, the beastmen forest, for now you can gather wood here.

New event in moonshade.

New Moonshade building: sawmill. Allow you to gather wood, but increase the difficulty of enemy waves.

3 new spells farsight, barrier and dark whispers.

New Petipatlin building : temple. this building has 3 level, each one unlocking a new spell.

New upgrade : Auto meditate. With this upgrade you cant toggle an option to start meditating when your mana isn't full and you're not doing anything else.

added another new event that can trigger if you manage to survive the order's beam.


Reduced the cost creep for "max mana" upgrade from 1.5 tp 1.4 to make the early/mid stage of the game progress a little bit smoother.

Doubled the amount of prisoners captured by your masked slave when you get the upgrade docile soul selection (they will now capture on average 1 prisoner for 5 masked slaves capped by empty cells).

Remove the time cost creep fom drain will

Sending Annie and Maya to found your cult will increase Petipatelin's loyalty by 20.

Fixed a bug that would prevent hunting lone human to increase for every already hunted human, but reduced the base time to hunt lone human. They should get faster to hunt early on but harder and harder over time, breaking even at 10.

Made the attack much easier to defend after Petipatelin's capture or infestation.

Shade mana cost creep has been reduced : 1.1->1.08

QoL :

Added a hint that will tell you that maybe you're doing something wrong if you have at least 10 slimes spent in the ritual without using the most optimal setup.

Give more details about how much time hunting a human will take.

reduced the increase of enemy wave strength from +50% every wave to +40% every wave.

tripled the amount of loyalty gained over time when overthrowing the church.

prison and wall price cost creep reduce from 1.5 to 1.4.

Fixes :

fixed a bug that would cause the first time you fick bedwarmer to give you too much mana.

Fixed a bug that would sometimes cause button in main tab to be visible when you can't use them.

I hope you like it, next update will mostly be about sidekick and story.
As usual I uploaded it on MEGA.

Have fun, Gratuitous Love.



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