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The night was beautiful, the moon shined bright in the sky. All The Princess wanted was to lay in bed and enjoy the night light on her skin. But fate had other plans.

Just when The Princess was about to get into bed, she felt something strange rub between her inner thighs. The feeling of something long and hard applied pressure on the inside of her thighs and her Virgina. When The Princess looked down and saw what had emerged from between her thighs, she was in shock. The Princess knew exactly what it was, but she was baffled by the colour. Which also made her lose sight of the fact that there was a strange man in her room.

The Princess thoughts were interrupted by a slight but pleasuring pinch felt on her nipples. The Demon whispered vulgar sexual acts and phrases into The Princess's ear. She began to smile. For she was not frightened by The Demon. The Princess knew exactly what she was going to do to make The Demon her loyal and obedient pet.



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