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Hiho, I'm not dead, I'm just terrible. =_=

Good morning, everyone.  I'm writing this while suffering from a bit of writer's block while staring at the last section I need to fill out for my Exeter review.  My hope is to have it published some time today (provided I can find a couple of brain cells to rub together and finish it off).  Wargaming made me a not very happy campy regarding her release.  I expect this review to spark a bit of controversy.

I hope it goes without saying that I've been stupidly busy throughout this first quarter.  Keeping up with everything going on with World of Warships has been taxing.  I finally (FINALLY) feel comfortable with the new aircraft carrier systems, including the weird new anti-aircraft mechanics.  This will facilitate creating the reviews for Enterprise, Saipan, Kaga, Graf Zeppelin and Indomitable when Wargaming declares them ready.  That's going to be a monstrous bit of work but I'm ready for that challenge when it arrives.  All of the preliminary work I've done should make the projects informative.  I was really worried about being caught blind without a clear understanding of the game play.  I'm glad playing CVs doesn't annoy me like the old RTS style did.  It will certainly make the review process more pleasant.

Sub_Octavian sent me a present that I requested this morning.  I was originally going to publish this as a separate article, but I thought it would be fun if you guys got the first peek at it.  This is the damage-source chart for December 2018.  It lists, by tier and ship type, what's attack types they're suffering most.  We've seen previous versions of this chart.  I've included them as attachments.  The one from September 2017 is a little small -- nothing I can do about that I'm afraid.

I haven't had any time to look at these myself -- I literally just got them and I'm passing them along.  The most interesting thing I saw at a glance was the greatly reduced amount of torpedo damage received by high tier battleships between September 2017 and December 2018.  This has been replaced with a slight uptick of AP shell damage but an enormous surge in fires and HE damage (Cockbote and Conqueror ftw).  This downward trend of torpedo damage carries through to the other ship types which surprises me to no end.

Anyway, lots of information to unpack there.  I'll let you guys take a look and I'm sure there's going to be lots of discussion regarding what's showing here.  

I'm going to go back to working on Exeter.




What is Cockbote?


Cockbote is the Rooster, I mean Wooster, I mean Worcester.