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Been a while since i ported a model.

Again, a bit distracted and overloaded this days because i got my parents at home helping me with mooving all the stuff so i'm not focusing on widowmaker ( edit: on tifa, my bad. Jesus, i don't even know what i'm typing) yet because i'm just barely sitting on the pc as uninterrupted as i would like.

They came help me with stuff because i'm living in what used ot be my grand parent's house, so i just can't sell or throw away the furniture i don't like freely since they're not mine :3

We'll be done in a couple days :3 and also... I'm aware i got a lot of unreplied DMs (13 to be precise) and i still got some files to check you guys sent me, but i do wanna make those and record the corresponding support videos when i'm alone and i don't have my mother busting in the room mid video to ask me what do i wanna do with this thing or that thing =^.^=

Thanks for your patience despìte the lack of updates <3
