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After finishing with pharah and some more stuff i gotta do. i'm gonna work with a voice actress i just met on twitter to make a 30 seconds animation with sound and with her voice acting 2B from nier automata ^^

Any ideas are welcome <3


cittran genericlastname

Holy shit, 30 minutes? All at once? o_0 Umm... Well then, yes, I have an idea, but it's not about the content, it's about the scale of the project... I recommend doing it in shorter installments, like 3 scenes of 10 minutes each, or 5 scenes of 6 minutes each. (Don't have to be fixed-rate scenes, or scenes of the same length -- those're just examples.) My recommendation is because I've seen quite a few animators go for something very ambitious for length, only to later suffer from burnout, either from the stress of the project's scale, or because they got bored from the monotony of only working on one thing. (If you want to talk to someone who has experience with completing a 30-minute voiced animation, ask Lord Aardvark about his work on Blue Star Episode 3 -- you can probably get in touch with him fairly easily via his discord.) My overall point here is that I'm not saying "don't set 30 minutes as your overall end goal", I'm saying "cut it into manageable chunks". As for the actual content itself? Um... The only thing that really comes to mind is having a mix of which holes she's using. (Like not going for 30 full minutes of anal, I mean.)


I totally agree with you man, but sorry fornthe misundertunding, but i meant 30 seconds :3

cittran genericlastname

Okay, that makes *WAY* more sense. In that case, I recommend replacing the " symbol with the word "seconds" instead, because without your having said that, I wouldn't've interpreted the (") symbol being used for "seconds". (It is used for that on maps, but it's not really widespread knowledge.)