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Is it possible that Brooke is on my good side? Has she finally redeemed herself?

Also, fuck that guy. And also fuck everyone who thinks that it is totally cool to drug people and then do whatever they want. Lucas should have beaten him to within an inch of his life. Maybe when he and Peyton finally get together, the two of them and Brooke can make a nice trio.

And yay, Karen! I love that she's doing this for herself. AND that Lucas was so supportive of it. Plus, she totally kissed Keith. Huzzah! Maybe that's happening too.

I'm not entirely sure why we need Deb to take over for Karen at the cafe, but if it pisses Dan off, I'm totally for it.


Elsa Reinsch

LOL I'm gonna say something and I only say it cause I know where you are in the show and I know that you've watched quite a bit ahead. But I have to say this cause otherwise I will go insane. Nathan 100% has genuine feelings for Haley at this point. It's not even all that much of a spoiler anyways cause I really believed it even the first time I watched this episode. They are so cute and flirty here. Like this burgeoning relationship is so different than the toxic relationship that Nathan had with Peyton. He had this douchey bluster thing goin on with Peyton. But with Haley, this charm and humor comes out of him. You can see him smiling and almost blushing. She just brings such a different side of Nathan out.


We've also seen over the past few epis that Nathan seems to be genuinely questioning who he is and who he wants to become. It doesn't seem that far-fetched for him to actually want to be a better person. He is only 16. There's still hope for him yet. At this point, his relationship with Haley seems more about him and what she does for him rather than Lucas. He hasn't talked to Lucas in 2 epis. I think the fact that he's so different around her in comparison to everyone else (Lucas, his dad, his mom, Peyton, Tim) makes one question his motives, so I get it, but she's great to him. He'd have be cruel and sadistic to take advantage of her kindness. I don't see that. I see a confused-messed-up kid trying to figure things out.

emily ღ

i've been wanting to say something but didn't want it to be spoilery, however a lot of storyline and character development can be missed or written off and i think it's important to know there's a genuineness there when approaching this story. especially the bit where he goes up to her in front of his friends and touches her hair. he's giddy and blushy and it's so cute!

Elsa Reinsch

Well, sure. The exact definition of his feelings is certainly up for debate and that's a part of the journey of this show. Is it merely a crush? Is it more? But there clearly isn't a cruel and sadistic slant to it. I just feel the genuineness in that date. The cute way he flirted with her. The way his eyes seemed to sparkle and shine when he looked at her. The sort of sweet and shy way he smiled at her. It's all just heart melting especially after the really dark plot that Peyton had. Honestly, it was kind of nice to have that reprieve in the episode because otherwise it would have been so dark and horrifying!


Elsa, I was agreeing and adding to your comment about Nathan for Dana. Even without your clarification about him being 100% genuine in regards to Haley, I think there's been evidence that shows he really likes her in wtv way, whether that's friendship or more than that. I mean Nathan might feel some type of way about Lucas (for reasons) but Nathan divulging Haley's secret or telling his friends to play along while he plays her after what she's done for him doesn't seem like something he would do to her, especially since the Lucas stuff is "played out."

Elsa Reinsch

I agree. He is changing in other ways as well. I mean it would be one thing if he's being all nice to Haley but still bullying Lucas. If that were the case I might be more suspicious of his feelings towards Haley. He just seems to be past all that and if he was playing Haley (which hasn't been confirmed in canon one way or the other up to this point) that would be a part of bullying Lucas which he hasn't been doing since episode 6. lol Not that Lucas and Nathan are BFFs. They're not gonna be going camping anytime soon but Nathan clearly cares enough about Haley to try and be civil... or at the very least tolerate Lucas.


Not a problem. I appreciate the hesitance about spoilers, though. I just watched 1X21 and found myself marveling about how I felt about this relationship. Lol. Yes, Nathan and Haley on that date seemed like an actual couple. Like, he did really seem like he liked her. But it's hard to believe him due to how their relationship started. That said, I could see it, but I didn't wanna believe it and set myself up for disappointment in the future. Right now, one of my favorite parts of this show is Nathan. (Which shocks me to say). Watching him try to navigate how to be a better person is fascinating to watch. And you can actually see him thinking through how to act in different situations. There was such a trope of 'bad boys who only like the nice girl and are mean to everyone else' (I'm looking at you, Jess Mariano) that I'm so glad Nathan does not seem to be doing that. No, he hasn't changed completely, and a lot of the time, he can still totally be an ass, but is he trying to be a better person all around? I think so, yes. I am just so anxious because I only want good things for Haley, and it's going to break me if Nathan hurts her. Although, it would probably crush me if anybody hurt Haley at this point.