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Are we sure Polly being dead isn't still a misdirect 4 years later? I fucking hate the IRA. Why couldn't they have killed Arthur? He's also a crutch for Tommy. (Yes, I know Helen McCrory actually died so this made much more sense, but I'm still angry about it). And he's a hot mess. I've been predicting his death for a while now, but somehow, he just keeps living through all the shit he puts his body through.

Michael blames Tommy for her death and they haven't spoken in 4 years. They meet in Canada to discuss running some opium, and Tommy sets Michael up and has him arrested. All to show him where Uncle Jack's loyalties lie; spoiler: not with Michael. And fuck, it was fun to watch Tommy take Michael down a couple of pegs.

Tommy is headed back to England where both Uncle Jack and Gina will be, but Michael is stuck in jail. I'm curious to see how that plays out. 

Ugh. I hate how good this show continues to be. And this was probably the worst episode. And it was still like a 9/10.



Unfortunately the actress who played Polly was very ill in Season 5 with breast cancer but she hadnt told anybody and if Covid and lockdown hadnt had happened she would have been in Season 6. by the time filming resumed she was to ill and sadly died just as they were starting to film which was a shock to most of the crew and cast as they didnt know anything about her illness. This then led the story to have to be rewritten. I think they gave her a beautiful send off and there is a very bit Polly shaped hole in Season 6. Its a very different feeling this season and the new Tommy the devil LOL.....is on an arc to redeem himself. Tommy is scared that Ruby has the gift of second sight the same as Polly and he has and the words Tikner Mora O Beng have a rough not exact translation from Romany to something like Devil death which obviously Tommy has freaked out about. All the gypsy traditions are now the most important thing to Tommy to keep Ruby safe. It's a theme that runs very strongly through season 6. I hope you enjoy this season as it is very different not so much action of fist fighting the enemy as the enemy this season is an ideology that at that time was taking hold in Britatin as well as Germany, but a fight with Tommys demons.


That's so sad. I figured it was a last-minute script change because I didn't remember Polly being in any real danger at the end of S5. And I knew the actress had died, but for whatever reason, I thought it was after the show had completed. Yes. This Tommy is fucking scary. And I love it. This season does feel very different than the others. It's certainly not bad, just not the same. I'm all for a Tommy redemption arc (not that I think he needs to be redeemed per se, but he thinks he does). Really looking forward to seeing how the politics play out this season.