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I know this Nathan/Haley thing is going to be a mess, I'm just not sure in what fashion yet.

Ugh. I hate Brooke. I don't expect her to go away anytime soon, though. Sigh.

Nathan seriously trashed the park and KIDNAPPED Lucas? How are those real things? (Well, they're not, that's why it's TV, Dana). Not to mention all the other shit he did. But come on. I so want Lucas to get some revenge. Screw the high road.

I'm wondering if there's going to be some tension between Payton and Brooke over Lucas. I assume Peyton/Lucas are supposed to be end game here, but it's early days. (There are 187 episodes?!?)


Dydra Arnold

You’re in for a ride. This is one of my favorite shows 😄


I'm looking forward to it! I had no idea I would immediately fall for this show. It's so early, and I have so many opinions already!


Great reaction! I’m glad you’re enjoying the show already. It took me a bit longer into the first season to get into it, but once it did I was hooked. Nathan is definitely going to give you mixed emotions at this point since he’s such a jerk, but he’s also being pressured by Dan. Parents who live through their children are terrible! As far the the endgame relationships, It’s a 9 season show. I don’t think the writers were even thinking that far out at this point, so enjoy the roller coaster ride lol.


Thank you! Yes, I have such mixed feelings about Nathan. I mean, he's definitely a jerk. But he's still young, and what real chance did he have being raised by a father like that? It doesn't give him a total pass, but he's getting some empathy from me at times. I cannot believe I have like 180 episodes of this show to watch. I thought it was going to be daunting when I started, but now I just wanna watch them all!

Elsa Reinsch

I'm excited to see your journey through this show. It's a show that has so many plot twists you wouldn't expect and I can't wait to see your reactions to all of it.


I'm already enjoying it so much! I'm super surprised at how complex the characters are already, and it's just started. I can only imagine it's just going to get better.