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And again, I don't really know how I feel. So it was Luca who approached Polly? I did not see that coming. If anything I thought she would reach out to him to attempt to set this up and then (along with Tommy) double cross him. I did not see him coming to her.

So, it looks like the boxing match, which I didn't really think was all that important, is the most important. And I have no idea what Alfie is going to do. I mean really. I was conflicted with Polly last episode, but at least I was able to lean in one direction. Alfie feels like such a loose cannon that anything could happen.

I'm definitely not sure exactly what was happening with the Tommy and Jessie Eden meal. If I'm wrong, someone please enlighten me!



when they refer to The Italians bring 2 men as 2nds to the boxing match that means they will be the men supporting Goliath the boxer when he goes to the corner of the ring at the end of the rounds. He chose the scrap yard for the meeting with Jesse just because it was a tongue in cheek gesture. Peaky Blinders is a very multilayered story. Remember we are following Tommy's journey through life and so all these little moments show us glimpses into the man, his emotions which we never normally see, his thoughts his chinks in his armour. He has for so long be numbed by the war and driven and focused, he has no faith or belief in anything anymore, The little glimpses of pre war Tommy show that he was a different man he believed in things just like Jesse and now he is starting to believe in things again. He is also in a position to do something about his beliefs as he has more power money and persuasion. He ultimately wants to stop the revolution from building up and help the government so he is wooing Jesse with his charms (as he always does) to gain Jessee's trust so that he can find out who the big names are that are driving the revolution and give them up to the government. The army are being sent to clear the street of communists and Tommy also has a deal going with them working alongside them to give up information in return for contracts to build armoured cars. So its all very much linked. Its not all gun battles and fights sometimes its just the battles that are going on in the characters heads and their personal life's that are just as interesting.


Oh. So it's a way to make sure that Changretta's guys are close to the action and get in the door. That makes sense. Yeah, at the beginning of the scrapyard scene, I thought Tommy was trying to make a point by cooking things he'd procured or found, which made sense to me. But then, as the meeting went on, I got a little more confused. But it sounds like I got most of it right. He's just (not trying to minimize it, but I think I was making it overly complicated in my head) trying to get her to give up names so he can turn them over to the government to get the contract for the cars. I am seeing that my predictions for Tommy running for office this season are not coming to fruition. However, I thought he would run to get the rest of the family out of jail, but he did that with his proof of dealing with Churchill. So maybe he doesn't need that anymore. Right now, I'm really interested in what's going on with Arthur. He cannot continue like this and live much longer. I'm surprised that Linda is so kind about it, actually.


Remember we have 2 more season and 1 finale in s4 to go so don't rule out your predictions just yet....... I think whatever Tommy has thrown at him, he has a hard exterior and we just feel he can deal with anything, but obviously inside he struggles as much as anyone, he just doesn't allow himself time to grieve or feel sorry for himself as his emotions are locked up especially now Grace has gone. Arthur on the other hand for all his bulldog mentality is softer on the outside and you see his emotions bubbling away and so i think we just feel sorry for him and know that something somewhere down the line is going to snap. I just love Arthurs character. Linda, i do see she wants the best for him, she wants him out of this life she wants to clear his head but she goes about it in a very manipulating way. She thinks if she can get him away from Tommy he will be ok. Look how much healthier he looked with Billy in the garden with the chickens, but he actually was being controlled by Linda. Do you think though that Arthur needs someone to keep him in control as he cant cope when things are out of control?????????? Lizzie and the baby, she has loved Tommy for so long and has longed for the dream of her and him and the baby, but just before she told him Tommy was staring at Graces photos on his desk. She will never replace Grace in his heart no-one will. But we have 2 more seasons to go........


I feel like it's so close to being over! I guess I should be a little more patient. I hate that there are only six episodes a season. But I love that every episode is perfect. Yes, Tommy is totally captivating to watch. He's such a dichotomy. You know exactly what he's thinking, but he always plays it off as the opposite. Ugh. I'm so scared for Arthur. I feel like if someone is going to die before this season ends, it's going to be him. He's just been lucky too many times. I've really grown to have such a soft spot for him, and I'm going to be devastated if that happens. That said, I've been very down and anti-Linda for a while, but you make a good point. No matter how much I dislike her, really, her only job seems to be to keep Arthur alive and happy. And you're right. Watching him on that chicken farm was so beautiful. He looked so content and happy hanging out with his son. Tommy is such a romantic. I (obviously) don't know what is going to happen, but it wouldn't surprise me if he were amazing to Lizzie during the pregnancy. He's going to hold a candle for Grace forever, but he seems to like Lizzie well enough. And the fact that she's carrying his child will probably make him more endeared towards her. But I do feel bad for Lizze because she wants what he can't give her. No matter what happens, it's going to be an epic season 4 finale.